Chapter 14

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" 7 minutes in heaven? What's that?" You asked obliviously, which made all the boys gasp in shock.
" You don't know that game??" Hoseok questioned in surprise, but you were dumbfounded.
" What is it about?" You asked again, but Jimin replaced his disbelieving look with a devilish grin.
" So, first you have to write your name on a piece of paper and put it in a hat or something. Then you have to close your eyes and pick a random paper. Whoever's name is written down on your chosen paper, you must go into a closet with that person for 7 minutes. Within that amount of time, you need to kiss the person who's inside the closet with you." He explained mischievously, but you widened your eyes in panic.
" What?! There's no way in hell I'm gonna play that game!" You shouted, but the boys were expecting that reaction, although they were still a bit frightened by your outburst. Suddenly, Jungkook and Jimin did something you never thought you would fall for. They gave you the largest puppy eyes ever.
" Please y/n?" They begged in unison, adorably pouting their lips. It was so cute! How could you say no to that? After letting out a yell of frustration, you finally replied with,
" Fine... I'll do it." And they punched the air in triumph.

"First, let's play truth or dare." Namjoon suggested, and everyone agreed. First up, it was Yoongi.
" Yoongles, truth or dare?" Taehyung asked, and Yoongi scowled.
" I told you not to call me that! Anyways, I pick truth 'cause I don't wanna do anything that involves using energy." He stated lazily, which got a couple of eye rolls from his friends.
" So, lil meow meow," He glared at Taehyung, who was enjoying making nicknames, " What do you think about y/n?"
I knew this would happen, you thought with a bored expression on your face. Yoongi blushed a barely visible shade of pink, but it was bright enough for you to see it.
" Um... She's nice and fun to be around." He stammered, giving you a nervous glance, but you gave him a small smile in return. That seemed to calm him down a little.
" That can't be all there is to say." Jungkook teased playfully, but Jimin interrupted him.
" This is getting boring." He said with a fake yawn, " Let's play 7 minutes in heaven now." And all the boys murmured in agreement, while stealing some glances at you. However, you on the other hand, was panicking and mentally dying inside. What if I get one of my best friends' crushes? Our friendship will end then and there, you thought nervously. Suddenly, a box with 7 strips of paper were passed to you. I'm going first?! You hesitantly picked a piece of paper while you closed your eyes. You reluctantly opened it and your partner was... Kim Taehyung?!?!? Omg, Kaila was gonna kill you if she found out!
" Tell us who you got, y/n!" Jungkook exclaimed, and you replied quietly with,
" I got Taehyung."
You saw his eyes light up at the mention of his name, but he was trying really hard to be subtle. You could here the others silently groan in disappointment, but you were mentally preparing yourself for what was about to go down. Namjoon and Seokjin pushed both of you inside Jungkook's closet and they locked the door.

The closet was dark and you both could barely see, but you could feel Taehyung's happiness radiating off him.
" Would it be alright if we just sat here for 7 minutes?" You asked awkwardly, but before he could answer, a voice from outside replied for you.
" You have to kiss, those are the rules. We've placed a camera inside so we can see what you guys are actually doing." It was most probably Jungkook who spoke to you.
" But can we take some time? We don't have to do it immediately right?" You heard Taehyung question, which was surprising because you thought he was eager to kiss you.
" You can take as long as you want, but as long as it's before the time is up."
Turning around to face him, although you couldn't see him very well, you gulped and hoped for the best. You can't escape this time y/n. It's not like you didn't like Taehyung, but it was weird because this was your first kiss, and it probably wasn't going to be meaningful.
" So... if you want to wait for a little longer then I'm-" But your words were cut off by a pair of soft lips on yours. You widened your eyes in surprise, but you couldn't back away. One hand held your cheek and the other was holding your waist. You eventually gave in because you didn't really have a choice. You wrapped your arms around his neck and let him take control. The kiss was long and passionate, and you were secretly enjoying it. Taehyung seemed to notice so he pulled you closer. For after what seemed like an eternity, you both ran out of breath. His arms were still holding you, but when the closet door opened again, he reluctantly let go. In front of you stood all 6 of the boys, looking upset that it wasn't one of them in Taehyung's place. You looked at them with guilt before getting out of the closet.

What did I just write???????
Omg it was so hard for me to continue writing that kiss scene cause I was SO flustered. This is my first time doing something like that, and I just died. But that won't be the only kiss scene in the story~😏
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed that horrible chapter
Love you all!❤️

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