Chapter 12

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I had a lot of photos. But I picked the ones from the day when she gave me the Teddy.

I closed the photo album again, because I wasn't able to look at the pictures. All of them were memories, and only a few to be repeat.

*Joey's POV*

I checked on Liz after Dad left the house.

"Hey. How are you doing."

"I feel awful." she answered, sitting at her desk and looking at the photo album. "Can you drive me tomorrow to that therapist? Please." she didn't look up.

"Of course." I said, hugging her. She didn't let go. I could feel her shaking. I led her to the bed and sat down, she was still holding onto me.

"It's just so real but surreal at the same time. One moment I expect a text message from her, and the other reality slaps me. I just can't believe it." she whispered. "And I'll have to call her parents. I mean, she had her own flat and how I knew her, she probably didn't call them."

"You can do that later. Or Mum will do that. Don't bother with such things. C'mon, let's get Jake and take a look to the music room, ok?" I looked at her, stroking her back lightly. She nodded, not looking up.

I called for Jake and we sat down at the music room. Liz seemed so absent, but I knew that the moment she would touch her guitar, she would be pulled into this state she has so often - just her and the music around her.

"I'll get us something to drink." I said, first going into Liz' room to get the phone number of Tory's parents. Then I looked for Mum. She was sitting with her laptop in the living room, taking a better look at these psychatrist's website. "Mum, I think someone of us has to call Tory's parents. Tory probably didn't call them. And I don't want Liz to do that. Please."

"Of course. Just give me their number - I'll do that later." she said, closing her laptop. I went back upstairs with Jake's and Liz' guitars.

*Adie's POV*

I put sighting the laptop away. I knew it was the right thing we were doing, but I wasn't really sure if we should put Liz through that whole therapy-thing. I went to get the phone and called Tory's parents.

"Hello?" A woman's voice answered.

"Hello - am I talking to Mrs. Smith?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"My name is Adrienne Armstrong. I'm the new adoptive mother of Lisa Johnson. Your daughter was befriended with Tory, right?"

"Yes - Lisa was very often over. But now she moved to America. We too. We live in California right now. But why?"

"Well, it would be very nice if you could come over to us. There's something I'd like to tell you, and I don't think it would be great if I tell you on the phone."

I told the woman the address. She said she'll come over with Tory's father at 9 p.m. I wrote Billie a message that he should be at home then. I walked up the stairs. I wanted to check on the kids. And then I heard music coming from the music room. It was Liz singing. I never heard her singing. Just on the video, but never live. Her voice was great, but the lyrics made me actually cry.

"My wish died with the shooting star

The same night you took your last breath

If I knew it was the same plane

I'd wish something else.

My wish died with the shooting star

The same night you took your last breath

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