Chapter 13

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And she said that she would be so much happier if it was Liz who was sitting in that plane. So Ryan, Abbey and I snapped. [...]" Jake was pretty upset. I knew that something like that would happen. I just knew it. Billie stared at Jake - hard to tell what he thought - and stormed out of the door.

*Billie's POV*

When the school called me, I was pissed at Jake. I had to call the psychiatrist that I'll come an hour later with Adie, because one of my sons was making trouble. And then the headmaster told me that he attacked someone with two other people. But now I am pissed at this Emily. You don't say something like that. You just don't.

I stopped at the parking lot and went into the headmaster's office. He was talking there to Abbey, Ryan and their both parents.

"Oh, how wonderful you too made it, Mr. Armstrong." the headmaster said in a provoking tone.

"Due all respect, but please shut the fuck up." I answered and turned to Ryan's parents, and then to Abbey's Mum; "Forget everything he said." Like I knew the headmaster, he would talk to them about anger issues.

"I don't see what's wrong in trying to make a girl stop laughing about someone other's death. My son told me, that this girl called Emily, because of who my daughter is fighting with depression, walked up to these kids at lunch. A friend of them died at a plane-crash two days ago! And then this girl come's up and fucking laughs about it, and say, she wishes that my-" I pointed with my finger at my chest "daughter was sitting in that plane too. That it would make her happy." I took a breath and talked on normal. "This girl was known at her old school too for bullying. She bullied a boy to death. And now think to whom you will talk. And who's kids you will suspend." I finished. Ryan and Abbey smiled.

"Is it true what he said?" the headmaster pointed at me. Ryan and Abbey nodded;

"Every word."

"Fine, I won't suspend anyone. But you'll get detention. Your son too, Mr. Armstrong." I nodded and we all turned around to leave.

"Oh, and Mr. Armstrong, please call the next time your daughter has to stay away from school due to any sickness." I nodded and walked up to my car.

"Thanks." Ryan and Abbey said.

"You're welcome." I smiled.

"How's Liz' doing?" Abbey asked. She sounded very worried.

"Hard to tell. She hardly talks. But I have to get going. See you soon." But Abbey pulled me aside and told me something about Liz' and panic attacks. I thanked her. With that, I said my good-bye's to their parents and drove to that psychiatrist. Adie was already waiting. I told her what happened and then we entered.

The psychiatrist was a young, nice looking woman.

"Hello, please take a seat, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong." she lead us with a smile into her office.

"I am really sorry for coming too late, Mrs. Sanders. There were some troubles at my children's school.", I excused myself.

"It's no big deal - really. But thank you for coming anyways. You told me on the phone that Lisa has got worse in the past two days?"

"Yes. Her best friend died in the plane crash two days ago." I said.

"She meant very much to her - also because she was there for Lisa when no one else was." Adie added.

"And how has she been acting?" the psychiatrist asked us. We exchanged looks. Adie signalized me to talk.

"She had something like a panic attack at the airport. Then she locked herself first in the room, then she sat outside in the rain together with a Teddy, given to her by her friend."

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