Chapter 20

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After a long day, I fell down onto the sofa, sighting.

"Something's wrong?" Mum (aka Adie) asked me.

*(still) Liz' POV*

"Long day, I replied, but her look told me she knows more and wants me to talk about it. "It's just - Ryan feels something for me. And I'm scared of love. Besides, the whole band's relying on me, and I'm not sure if we are as a band ready for that business." I was talking fast, and with every point I listed, my voice got more worried.

"Oh sweetie." Mum pulled me into a side-hug. "You are definitely ready. I heard you rehearsing in the music room - that's music which needs to be heard. If you weren't ready, Mike, Tre and especially Billie wouldn't let you sign that record deal." she assured me. "You're a great frong-woman - you built the band up, and that's why everyone's counting on you. Because if you can built up a band to such success, you can also keep it going. And you need to listen to your heart. This goes for each; the band and Ryan. If you feel right about him, then don't waste the chance. Don't hide yourself in the dark - step out into the light." she gave me a warm smile.  I tried to smile back, but it didn't work out as planned. "Go try get some sleep - tomorrow's your interview with Tommy."

*Adie's POV*

After Liz left for bed, I too made my way upstairs to Billie Joe's and my bedroom.

"You're not asleep?" I wondered when I saw Billie reading something on our laptop.

"Hmm? No. I was actually thinking about Liz. Jim scanned all the lyrics she wrote. She's like a machine." Billie put the device away. "We listened to some of the songs they already recorded - they're working hard and they seem to have fun. They're good."

"I just talked to Liz. She's worrying about so much - I'm worried about her, Billie. I mean, I'm happy that our daughter is doing what she loves, but I'm scared it'll get too much. She just met her brother after ten years, lost her best friend -" I sighted.

"Me too." Billie nodded and kissed me on the lips. I got comfortable next to my dear husband and slowly drifted off to sleep.

*Liz' POV*

The next morning my hands were shaking as fuck.

"Morning guys." Tommy greeted us with hugs and fist-checks. "May I introduce to you my co-commentator, Shirley. Shirley, these are Abbey, John, Lara, Emma, Ryan and my dear little sister Liz. We all shook hands with a nice, young lady with bright red hair and a black lip ring.

After some talking, we grabbed our instruments and played Shooting Star live. We played it just like the other day, but this time something changed. I felt this feeling I always got when Tory was happy for me, when we both celebrated some success in my life.

"Stay tuned if you wanna hear one more song played live by Sleeveless Dogs!" Shirley said. After the small break, it was time for another interview.

"So guys, you just signed your record deal a few days ago and this is already the second time you're playing your hit 'Shooting Star' live. How does it feel to turn from normal high-schoolers into stars?" Shirley asked us. We all exchanged looks and John laughed into the microphone;

"Well, we're still this little outcasts, but at least people know our names now. Like, the pricks finally know how to pronounce my surename - Strazziatone - right." we all had to laugh out loud. It was true. All the fuckers at school at least know our names by now.

"When we pull up at the parking lot, there are actually people greeting us. I mean, it's a great feeling your music really reaches someone." Ryan added.

"You're a band whose members actually really came around a lot, I mean John and Emma, you moved from Italy at age three, and Liz, you've been with Green Day on tour, and well, you're actually the reason why I moved my ass over to the U.S. Do -"

"Please, Tom, leave the boring family-stories out." I cut him off.

"For those who don't know, and I think it's everybody, we've got an announcement; Liz and Tom are related." Abbey explained, smiling.

"What a shock!" John laughed.

"Yeah, we're revealing our darkest secrets in here." Tommy smiled. "Anyways, do you guys plan to see the rest of the world?"

"Well, y'know, right now our most important point of business is to record our first record. But after we're done, we'll see where our fans would like to hear us. Y'know, it's not about selling out Madison Square Garden, but it's about the music we're able to share." I said.

"Wow, real words from a true musician. It's no secret life has made you to the talented people you are now, but you're also a crazy bunch of teens. Do you have a boss in the band, who's, like, able to tune you down from time to time?" Shirley changed the topic. 

"From time to time?!" Lara laughed out loud.

"It's definitely Liz. She's like our momma, keeping care of us." Abbey chuckled.

"Oh, do you also wake them in the morning, like, you guys need a proper breakfast before school?" Tommy joked.

"Nooo way!" I exclaimed. We kept talking about more or less funny things, like me throwing smelly fruit around school, until it was time for us to play our new, yet unpublished song named 'Memories'.

Ryan wrote it for me, so I put a lot of heart into the backing vocals. The ballad-like beginning soon turned into a rock ballad, telling the story of Ryan and me.

"Every sip I take, every memory we made. I wish I could drink you away." Ryan sang.

"Wow! Sleeveless Dogs, live here in the studio, their new single Memories avialble free to download just today." Tommy said.

After that, the interview was over and we were sitting in Ryan's car, being on our way to school to join 3rd period. Actually, we waited a half period outside music class, because it made no sense to walk in right in the middle.

When we entered music class, everyone was staring at us. It was so quiet, you could hear a needle drop. The teacher didn't want us to sit down, but tell something about 'the life of a musician', which was the stupidest think I've ever heard. Thankfully, my phone rang.

"One important thing - you need to have your phone always with you, in case your manager calls. I gotta get it." I held my phone up and left the room.


"I just wanted you to know that the downloading-bar is really exploding. You guys gotta get here fa-" I cut Jim off by hanging up the phone.

"Guys! We gotta get to the studio! Now!" I burst into the room and we left school even before the teacher was able to open his mouth to say something.

"Thanks for pulling us outta here." Ryan thanked me. I just smiled.


(A/N: I was away and wrote all of this on paper haha ^^ gonna be posting a lot :3 hope you enjoy it by now ^.^)

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