Chapter 2

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And that's why I need to know it." I made a small pause. "Do I have a brother?"

She didn't answer for a long time (or at least it seemed to be a long time). Then she took a deep breath and started to talk.

"Yes, you do. His name's Thomas. You couldn't remember him, because he was barely at home. He was sick. Very sick. He was only eleven years old that time."

She took another break and I could see the tears dwell up in her eyes.

"That summer he finally made it and your parents decided to take you two together to the sea. But then there was the crash and -" she had to sniff. It wasn't easy for her to talk about it. She feels as much pain as I do...

"-well, he made it. But I don't know where he is. He too had a godfather. His name is Henry. Henry Timple. That's all I know. The day I came to the orphanage to get you two, you were already gone. Split up."

"But why?"

"I don't know. The orhpanage lady didn't want to tell me. The orphanage was closed a few months later. I don't know who that lady was, or what happened to all of the files. If I were you, I'd call the person who took you in for the very first time. I'm sorry," a tear rolled down her face. I got up and hugged her.

"You helped me way more than I've expected you could," I said.

Soon after, I was sitting at the bus station, trying to call Agnes. Agnes is a very young, polish woman, and she was the only adoptive mother who gave me a few years of childhood.

During the 99Revolutions Tour, Billie, Mike and Tre arranged a meeting with her. We spent great hours together.

A: Hello? A sleepy voice answered the phone.

L: Hey, Agnes. I'm sorry if I've woken you up, but I've got one very important question.

A: Yeah?

L: Why did you adopt only me?

A: What do you mean? Agnes' voice sounded more awake and interested.

L: I have a brother. He was eleven when the car accident happened.

A: What?! Now the voice was completely awake and shocked. A brother?! They didn't tell me anything about a brother! That lady just told me, that you've got no family left. No siblings, no uncles and no grandparents. No one.

L: But why? I already told you about that doctor who was an old friend of my parents, right? I just talked to her. His name's Thomas and he was eleven.  He too had a godfather, a guy named Henry. The orphanage split us up. But why?

A: I don't know. But give me a few days; I'll try to get some infos, okay?

L: Ok.

Sighting I entered the bus. My phone vibrated. A new message from Jake;

< What r ur plans?

> I already told you. i'm at molly's. Why?

< Just talked to abbey. She said you 'needed to get some things done'

> Are you fucking spying on me?!!

< No, but i already know you.

> Look, it's my business!

< Are doing something illegal?

> Fuck no! Look, i've got a brother. AND i'm trying to find out, why the orphanage split us up. I just talked to molly and one of my old adoptive mothers. Nevermind. See you.

< A brother?! Are you kidding?

> No. Like i said; it's my business.

I left the bus near our house. I had plenty of time left, until I had to be at Ryan's.

I walked up to the big house and rang the bell. No answer. I rang a second time.

A smiling Tre Cool opened the door.

"Lassie!" he screamed and hugged me as tight as possible.

"Tre. Happy. Too. Oxygen. Need," I said and took a deep breath when he let me go.

"How are you?"

"Well, I'm living. You? And where's Sarah?"

"I can't wait for the Australia Tour to start. Sarah's not in today. She's out with some friends of hers."

He closed the door behind me.

"I see. You know that I wish you lots of fun in Australia, right?" I said grinning, feeling the need to hug him again.

"Aww, Lassie." he looked me deep in the eyes "Tell me, how do you really feel?"

"I don't know. I'm still sorting out my life, still trying to get over the losses."

"And...", he made a gesture to go on. I sighted; being on the verge of tears;

"I don't know what to do or what to feel." That's it. I broke down crying in his arms. "I've been berely sleeping the last nights, becuase I was so scared of my own dreams! Every single night, the same scene. The car crashing into the tree. My mother, screaming hysterically. My father, trying to do something. And then - then there's this eleven year old boy, who was so happy looking out of the window. This little boy who turned out to be my brother. And I - I just don't know what to do now. I'm kinda blaming myself that I forgot him! All I have is his name and that's it. I don't know where he is and if he's even alive.", I needed to make a break to get some oxygen. "I don't know. It's just so new. Everything's fucking new and I can't get used to it because I can't leave the past fucking behind me!"

I held tight onto him, because I couldn't bring up the force to sit straight in the chair without falling down. "I just can't..." I whispered.

After a lot of crying, hugging and talking, I managed to calm down.

Soon after, I had to leave for Ryan's.

In the bus, I sighting ignored all of the texts from Jake.

*Jake's POV*

After Liz moved in here, life became way more funny. To be honest; I wouldn't be able to imagine the household without hwr anymore.

But of course, the problems too got bigger.

I often hear Mum and Dad talking about Liz and also Uncle Mike and Tre seem to worry about her. 

But still; Joey and I love her like a sister.

"Mum, I'm off to Ryan for the weekend!", I said as I left the house.

"Ok sweetie!"

Ryan called me before and asked, if I too wanna spend the weekend at his.

I like Abbey's friends; they're cool and freaky.

"Hey guys,", I greeted them, as I entered the house.

"Yo man.", Abbey and I made a fist check.

"Liz' already here?"

"Nope; she's on her way. Do you know what she had to do?", Emma gave me a coke.

"Better ask her...It's way too complicated to explain." Right as I said that, she entered the house.

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