Chapter 9

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> Happy you'll be back! See you tomorrow!

I sent everyone the message Liz sent me and got back to sleep. I was really curious how her brother is like...

*Liz' POV*

Again, Tory and I had to say our good-bye's. But this time she promised me to fly over to the U.S. more often. She too was a part of my family - a very important part. Joey, Billie and Ryan offered me to get Tommy and me from the airport, but I denied. I didn't want single members of the family meet him. Of course, they all don't have to gather around the house and give a welcome-party, but Mike and Tre were anyways pretty often at ours (or I was pretty often with them at the studio for rehearsal). It was fun to throw things at Tre while he was hitting the drums. *enter evil smile here* Haha.

When we took our seats, the conversation we had a few days ago appeared in my head. Tommy seemed to think about the very same thing, because both of us had to smile.

"So you have a girlfriend?", I asked him to break the silence between the two of us.

"Yeah, her name's Angie. She's a great singer, but works at Starbucks. She's too nervous to get on stage."

"And do you two play together? You're a great guitar player..."

"Thanks. Yeah, we do. Well, every time I'm in the U.S. because she lives there. I really want you to meet her."

"I can't wait to see her!", I exclaimed. "Did I and Dad visit you often when you were in the hospital?", I suddenly changed the subject. I don't know why, but I just felt like it.

"You came almost every day. Dad was working very hard, but whenever he found time, he took you and Mum, if she weren't already there and you came over to me..."

"What was Dad's job? I know, sounds stupid, but I barely remember anything before age six."

"I already told you that I don't blame you.", he gave me a warm smile. "He was a psychologist. Mum was his secretary. They met there. She was his second secretary and it was practically love at first sight." This story made me smile. "They- well, nevermind..." he suddenly stopped and turned his head away.

"No, please tell me! I wanna know everything about them!"

"I don't wanna break you. Not again."

"You won't. And anyways, you can't break something that's already shattered to thousands of pieces." I answered. "Please tell me."

"They never stopped loving them, they never stopped loving us. During the car crash, our mother didn't die right away. I remember it until today and I'll never forget. She was bleeding very bad, but managed to get us out of the car. You were on the edge of passing out, and Dad - he was..." he stopped. Somehow I felt like I knew this. I knew that I was dreaming it. "She laid us a few meters away from the car and gave us each a kiss on the forehead. I'll never forget it. She was crying and also in a great deal of pain. After she made sure that we're save, she got back to the car and died at Dad's side..." he finished the story. I leaned back and looked out of the window. I tried hard not to cry, but like I said before - You can't break something that's already shattered to pieces.

When I opened my eyes again, the people were leaving the plane.

"Morning sleepy. I think we should leave.", Tommy said with with a smile. I agreed an we made our way out.

"C'mon, let's get a taxi."

When we arrived, Tommy took a look around.

"Beautiful here." that were the first words we spoke since we left the airport. I slowly started to walk towards the house, Tommy following me. Before I could even ring the bell, Joey opened the door. I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as possible.


Tommy came after me. They shook hands.

"Hi, I'm Joey. Come in."

"Thanks. I'm Thomas. But please call me Tommy." After Joey closed the door, I found Mike and Tre in the kitchen. I took a glass of water and poured it over MIke's head.

"Hey! What was that for?!" He smiled and we hugged.

"You remember London?" I answered. Tre had the great idea to steal a bucket from the kitchen at the hotel in London we poured it over Mike's head while he was sleeping. Then, in the airplane, he poured a glass of water over my head. Since then it's kinda a welcome-ritual. I hugged Tre, Billie, Adie, the brothers and all the others who came - means: Abbey and Co.and Molly.  

"Guys, may I introduce: Tommy, my brother." Tommy waved and greeted everyone. It all changed into a party-atmosphere. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Who else did you guys invite?"

"Well, I thought that Tommy'd like to see his godfather again and you'd like to meet a certain polish-" I didn't wait for Molly to finish the sentence but ran to the door and hugged the living shit out of Agnes.

"Nice to see you again.", she said. I gestured her to go in.

"Hello. I'm Henry, Tommy's godfather. You must me Lisa, right?", he held out his hand. I took it.

"Nice to meet you. Yes, I'm Lisa. But please call me Liz. Come in, Tommy will be happy to see you again." I led him in and closed the door.

*Tommy's POV*

While Liz was talking with Agnes, Billie Joe came up to me.

"Hey, Tomas, right?", he smiled.

"Yes. But please call me Tommy.", I answered, holding my hand out. He took it. "You have a really beautiful house, Mr. Armstrong.", I didn't really know what to say (despite the fact that it was my favorite guitar player on earth and he adopted my sister."

"C'mon, I'm Billie. You don't have to call me Mr. Armstrong.", Billie laughed out loud. I too laughed - I felt stupid.

"Sorry. How was Liz really doing? I mean - you saw already the scars on her arms."

"Well, it's hard to tell. On the second day of school she broke another girl's nose. She was making fun of Liz and an old kindergardenfriend's death. After that she was pretty down. But soon after her pictures were shown at a local art gallery and she seemed to be really happy. I've got no idea. Y'know, I really worry about her.", he told me. "But I actually wanted to talk to you about something else."


"Well, you're her elder brother and I would understand if you'd like to take Liz home to you, but I-"

"I don't think that would be a good idea." I stopped him. "I mean - this is family to her. You pulled her out of the biggest misery and if she'd move to me, it would probably be to her like tearing her again out of her family."

"That's what I wanted to say." Billie smiled. "But I also wanted you to know that you're all the time welcome here. Family is family."

*Liz' POV*

I felt great that day - I felt infinite. All of the people I love from the deepest of the heart, happy, united, together. No death, no problems, nothing.

Even though I felt happy, I knew deep down that there would be something that could destroy this happiness, this infinite feeling.

But I'd've never thought that it could happen so fast...

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