Chapter 22

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But as happy as we all seemed to be about the end of the hard work and the coming release and as happy and great our lifes seemed to be, they weren't...

*Liz' POV'

John and Emma's parents left for L.A. to do their acting, leaving the siblings at home, sending them money (John & Emma parents' popularity reached a higher level because of the band). Ryan got into a major fight with his parents, and is currently looking for a cheap place in town. Abbey had to take pills again because of her own fight with deseases. I had to take a higher dose of my pills, because I was having several sleepless nights, nightmares, breakdowns and panic attacks. And Lara? Lara didn't say anything at all about her situation, but I knew she was hiding something, being scared. And I had some bad premonitions...

I missed my three dads and Jason, who I - unfortunately - don't get to see so often - really bad. We all were sending messages as hell.

Even when the album was done and we just waited because of advertisement and other stuff I had no idea about, we still spent a lot of time in the studio. We were trying to cheer us all up, forgetting about our problems.

But Lara didn't laugh with us. She was sitting on a sofa, staring out in front of her.

"Hey." I let myself fall down next to her. Abbey started a discussion with Jim and Emma about the taste of water, and Ryan and John were too talking about something.

Lara didn't say anything. She didn't look at me. But I saw her lip trembling.

*Lara's POV*

I was so glad that we were spending time at the studio. Of course, I wasn't glad about the situations the other's were in, but I was glad that I could get away from the hell I have to call home.

I'm scared to tell them. I didn't deserve their pity, attention or the laugher they made to keep them away from their realities.

Hell, I even don't deserve to be in this band!

"Hey." Liz sat down next to me. I couldn't bare look at me. Mostly, because she'd know. She knows how it is being hit and hurt day after day, being scared week after week.

I was on the verge of tears, but I was also scared to cry out loud. Liz put her arm around me. First I jerked, but then I remembered I wasn't at home and it was Liz next to me. I let a tear roll down my cheek.

"Show me." she whispered. She knew. I knew she'd know. I took the sleeve of my shirt and wiped away the make up and tears from my face. She took a very intense look at the punch-mark on my cheek. Then I pulled down a bit my shirt to show her the bruises I had between my neck and boobs. My stomach too was full of bruises, marks, cuts and all the burning of cigarettes which were put out on me.

*Liz' POV*

It was awful.

"Who did this?" I asked her. All this bruises, all this punch-marks - it remembered me of the five years I spent with that adoptive mother in Austria.

"My father and his friends." she whispered, letting another tear flow down her cheek. "My mother died when I was thirteen. She used to protect me as best as possible."

"Are they at home now?" I asked her, looking her deep in the eyes. She shook her violet head;

"No. On fridays and weekends is the house empty." I took a glimpse at the calendar on the wall - it was friday.

"Wait a second - I'll be right back." I hugged her and pulled Ryan away from John.

"I need your car. Now."

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