Chapter 18

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Thankfully, the period was over soon so we could all head over to Billie and Co. to the studio.

*Billie's POV*

I wondered where they were. School was over almost an hour ago, and we had some business thing to get done before the guys and I would leave for our Australia tour, which was in a week.

"Sorry we're late! Traffic jam!" Ryan and the others burst into the room, gasping.

"You guys had detention, right?" Mike raised his eyebrow.

"How the fu-"

"I know you already." he grinned. I saw Lucy shake her head.

"So then, what's so important you wanted to meet us here?" she asked. I led the band into a room with a couch. I wanted them to meet Jim Thiebaud, one of the founders of Adeline Records. They'll be working with him as long as we're away. I could feel Liz won't like it really after all, especially since she's on pills she even doesn't like to take.

But all I wanted was to see her happy. Not down. No fresh cuts. No worn-off look. No look which told me she's tired of life. Broken by her past.

*Liz' POV*

It felt like real business. But that feeling the guys relying on me didn't left me. I'm not taking about writing songs. I'm also talking about the business things.

"Guys, I'd like to introduce to you Jim Thiebaud, co-founder of Adeline Records. We, talking of Green Day, are gonna be on tour soon so you guys will be working with Jim." Billie pointed over to a smiling guy with dark brown hair.

"Hey guys, I'm Jim and glad to be working with you." he came over to us.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Thiebaud. I'm Liz." I shook his hand.

"Just Jim, please." he laughed. I smiled back and apologized.






"I think we all should meet tomorrow afternoon in here again to talk about, like, everything. Especially your next steps." he said. I nodded.

"Yeah, sure."

"So then, see you tomorrow!" he said. We waved good-bye.

"And we see each other at dinner." Billie told me. I got over to him and hugged him, Mike and Tre all together.

"Thanks, dads." I whispered. They smiled.

The guys and I drove over to our house.

"Joey's also planning to go on tour with Emily's Army." I said suddenly during the car ride.

"Wow, that's gonna be an empty house." Lara stated.

"I don't think so. I mean, we too have to practise somewhere, don't we? And I don't think Jim's gonna stick around us, like, all the time." I said.

"I think he'd really deserve a medal if he can handle us." John said. We all laughed out.

When we entered the house, we found Jake and his friends in the living room.

"Mum's at work?" I asked. Jake nodded. "Tell me when she comes home. I'll do the cooking today." I said. Adie needs a day off. "We're in the music room."

"Why are you so desperate trying not to publish the songs out of your songbook?" Lara asked as we all sat down on the floor of the music room. I held up the really fat notebook.

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