Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys! :3 I hope you like it by now - if not, just tell me && I try to make it better ;) Thanks for reading and voting and commenting (even my mistakes - that's nice of you ^^) And I'm really sorry for those slow updates - school stresses the fuck out of me .__. haha ^^



Chapter 4

We were just laughing about that and made our way to the living room to chill out at the couch and get a beer. But soon my good mood was interrupted by Tory's call...

L: Hello?

T: I've got some news for you. You wanna hear them?

L: Tory - that's a stupid question.

T: K, chill down. So then, I found your brother.

L: No kidding?! Where is he? Did you talk to him? How does he feel? Does he remember me? Does he-

The others gave me weird looks. I showed them the finger and left the room.

T: Wow, girl, do you really have to scream that loud?

L: Sorry. I'm just excited. So where is he? Where's my brother?

T: That's the thing; there are two flats registered onto his name; one in Vienna, and now guess where you'll find the other one.

L: Lovely California, right?

T: Yeah. Anyways, I was there yesterday night and rang the doorbell so long, until a neighbour came out; he told me that he'll be back in Vienna today at night.

L: Ok...where did you get all of those information's?

T: Old contacts, Liz. Don't ask who - I won't tell you. Haha. What you're gonna do now?

L: Talk to Billie and Adie. I'll call you. Thanks.

*Billie's POV*

It was pretty weird - Jacob, Joey and Liz and even Adie were out of the house; just me.

But the quiet didn't hold on for long; some-when at 11 p.m or midnight the doorbell went mad.

"Who could that be?", I asked myself, shrugged and made my way to the door.

"Billie! Sorry if I woke you guys up, but it's important. Really fucking important!", Liz stormed inside, running over to the kitchen and lighting up a cigarette.

"Don't worry. Adie's out with friends and yeah...nobody else's here. What's so important that you run through the streets at that hour?", I lifted my eyebrows, wondering.

To be honest, I never stopped wondering about that girl. She is so strong, but weak at the same time. She can be so active but also lazy at the same time. But her eyes...they seem to keep that certain sadness inside of them...

*Liz' POV*

"I- well - I have a brother. I talked to Tre about that in the afternoon before I went to Chris' and y'know - it's fucking complicated. I mean; I just start remembering him! And I feel so bad because I forgot him for more than ten years! Ten fucking years! Anyways, I need to get to Vienna as fast as possible. He - my brother - has a flat over here, but he's arriving soon in Vienna. And I need to see him because he's my brother and the only part of the family I was born into that isn't dead and -" I needed to take a break. I was talking fast and I also didn't  really expect Billie to understand everything I said, but apparently he did. He came over to me and hugged me. My hands stopped shaking and the fast beating of my heart turned normal again.

"A ticket to Vienna? Better look up the next possible flight." I could feel a smile appear on Billie's lips and hugged him thighter. He's done so much for me...

That moment didn't hold on for long, because my phone started to vibrate. It was a message from Agnes

< Found that orphanage-lady. She's the secretary at an other one. Told me, that they used to split siblings with 'such a big' age-difference up, because the most people don't like to adopt 'such' children...

< You've got anything?

>Thanks.Yeah,I do...a friend found out where he lives...going to book the ticket soon.

Billie helped me to book the ticket and went then to bed, so he could drive me to the airport.

I sat down in my room and skyped Ryan. Now I have a mess of maybe six sweaty faces on my screen.

I told them what I was gonna do and that I'm gonna be back soon...They didn't try to make stay here and just wait until he comes back to California. They did just listen and wish me luck. I was planning to stay a week over there and then come back. Damn, that still feels so new - not having Vienna as my hometown anymore... I called Tory again and asked her, if I could stay at her's - finally she's got her own flat.

The next morning I woke up even before my alarm went off. Tired, I pulled myself out of bed, got dressed and put a few clothes, my laptop and the photos I had of my parents into an old jeans-bag.

I took the bag and my cigarettes, and made my way slowly into the kitchen. Joey was already up.

"Morning, grumpy.", he handed me a cup of coffee.

"Morning. How come you're up so early?"

"I just came by to pick something up and then I saw the ticket to Vienna. I thought, I say goodbye.", he smiled. I smiled back and hugged him. Jake and Joey are the best brothers I ever had. And trust me - as an orphan, I know what I talk about. "But you're planning to come back, right?"

"You're kidding? Of course I am! How could I leave?! I owe Billie, Tre and Mike so much and they're and you and - well, it's family!", I exclaimed.

"I was just kidding, Lassie. Calm down.", he grinned "So I've got to go - see you and keep care of you!", we hugged goodbye and then I was all alone. I light up a cigarette, and soon after Billie entered the kitchen. We drank together a coffee and then we walked to the car.

"You sure you wanna meet him?", he asked me halfway to the airport.

"I think so - I mean, he's my brother. It's this one feeling, knowing that there's a part of your family left.", I was looking out of the window, and then back to Billie."I really wonder how his life has been..."

"What do you mean?"

"I just wonder if he's as fucked up as I am. And I hope he's not..."

"You're not fucked up. You're strong. And you know that.", Billie parked at a parking space and we left the car. I took my bag and hugged him as tight as possible.

"I owe you so much...", I whispered.

"You owe me nothing.", he clapped my shoulders. "So...greet uhm, what's his name?"


"Greet Thomas from me, ok? And keep care of you and call me or Adie. She'll die out of worry.", he smiled. I had to grin too. We hugged a second time and then he drove off. Sighting I took a look at my ticket and entered the airport. I had something about an hour left. Slowly, I made my way up to a bookstore and looked trough the books.

"Oh, I'm sorry.", a big, but young guy showed me softly against the shelf, and my bag fell down. He handed it to me and gave me a smile.

"It's alright.", I smiled and turned my attention back to the titles. I picked 'The Fault In Our Stars' and 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower'.  I didn't really hurry over to the cash desk, but I started to think that I slowly have to make my way over to the plane. At the cash desk I also bought a small cotton bag saying "This bag contains a gun, a bomb, a very large knife and loads of drugs".

I put the books in there and later also my documents and earphones and my mobile phone and boarded the plane. And with every minute more waiting I got even more nervous...

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