Chapter 15

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"You wanna come today to the studio?" he asked me. I nodded.

"Why not..."

*(still) Liz' POV*

In the studio I mostly just sat on a sofa, listening to the guys rehearse.

I knew every song, every word, but my lips didn't move. My head didn't bounce with the rhythm, and my finger didn't tap together with the drum against the leather sofa.

"You wanna play something?" Mike came up to me while they were taking a break. I nodded, taking a guitar. I sat down together with Mike in the room, but first didn't know what to play.

But then I started to automatically strum the song I wrote for Tory.

"My wish died with the shooting star..."

When I was finished, I realized Mike didn't play with me. No one did. Tre and Mike were staring at me, and Billie too did from behind the other side of the glass.

Tre got up and hugged me. "That was great." he whispered. I nodded in a thanking gesture.

Soon after, I called Joey to get me home. I was tired and I decided to go on Monday, which was in two days, back to school.

"Hey." he greeted me.

"Hey." I got into the pretty dirty van.

"How you're feeling?"

"I don't know. Better?" I looked at him. He hugged me tight before he started the engine. 

At home, I even helped Adie with dinner. We cooked noodles and made tomato sauce and I even had fun. But at one certain moment I put down the cooking spoon and asked her a question I needed get off my soul.

"Adie, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, sweetie! Everything you want." she gave me a big, bright smile.

"Do you want me to call you Mum?" I said it fast. After I did, I didn't really feel relieved, but a bit scared that I asked her something like that. "Because sometimes I-"

"If you want me to call me mum, then of course you may!" she also put down the spoon. "But just when I really feel like a mother to you." she hugged me. "Because you feel like my little daughter."

"You are the greatest Mum I ever had." I answered. I could feel that it made her cry.

Cry out of happiness.

The next day I mostly stayed home with Jake. We were watching some DVD's and talking a lot, and simply, just chilling. But I was also anxious because of going to school.

"You'll do great. You've got Abbey and the others, and I am also near you at lunch. There's no need to be scared."

"And Emily?"

"I think she's got her lesson. By the way, does Dad know you wanna go back tomorrow?"

"No, not really. I'll tell him today during dinner. Tommy too will come over, the most I know." I answered, lighting up a cigarette.

"C'mon, let's help mum." I nodded and followed him.

"Hey mum." we both said simultaneously. Jake gave me a surprised look, but Adie smiled out of happiness. "Need any help?" I asked. She nodded and told us to get the dishes out.

Just as dinner got ready, Billie stepped through the door. I hugged him tight. Soon after, Tommy followed.

The six of us ate dinner pretty silent, and I didn't like the fact that I had to break it, but Jake gave me assuring looks.

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