Rule #14

20 1 1


This is my hole.

I am hiding in it.

LEMME ask yall a question.

Do you ever worry that you'll never find "the one"?

Like... that you'll be secretly alone forever? I see everyone else always getting into relationships and settling down and falling in love. And I just.. I just want that so badly. When I am around my friends I hide and joke about it, but I can't help feeling some slight jealousy at times. I know it's selfish. For me it just seems like every time I finally get close, I end up losing. I am just so tired of being alone... every guy that I have ever liked has always made me a second choice and fallen for some other girl and here I am left alone and confused. 

Was I not good enough?

Will I ever be good enough?

Things like this scare me. My friends and family keep telling me to stop searching because love will "come unexpectedly". But....

How can you not chase something you want so badly?

Idk, comment below some advice guys. Can you relate?

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