A turn of events Pt.1

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Please listen to this song whilst reading this chapter I think it goes well for the theme.
I hope you like reading this chapter as much as i liked writing it.

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Hyejin's POV:
I was just sitting on the sofa 🛋 playing on my phone whilst my brothers, cousin, and their new friend - Jimin - were playing overwatch on the new console ( PS4 ) Tae Tae got as a Christmas/ birthday present from last year (it is January right now), I got a notification on my phone. I checked to see what app it came from, it was a text message from Wendy.

Wendy's POV:
Ummmm .... what .. to ... do I AM SO BORED ugh! I have an Idea. "I can go out with my friends. Let me see if they are free first." I am going mental that's all I seem to do is talk to myself.

Hyejin's Phone:

Hyejin's POV: I quickly got up and did up my laces to my black converses, got my cross - over bag and was about to open the door when a body was standing infront of me I looked up ready to confront this idiot who came in my way

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Hyejin's POV:
I quickly got up and did up my laces to my black converses, got my cross - over bag and was about to open the door when a body was standing infront of me I looked up ready to confront this idiot who came in my way. But when I saw the face that belonged to the body it was in fact ... Jimin?! "Going somewhere Hyejin?" Jimin said whilst raising a brow. Ugh why is he being like this? What have I done to him? "Yes I am going out with my friends got a problem with that?" He stiffened up and bluntly said, "No, there is no problem, just wondering where you were going that's all..." He replied sadly walking away back to his friends.

Authors POV:
Hyejin was confused to his sudden change in mood but chose to ignore it anyway and instead ran to Wendy's house which was only a few houses away from her's.

Jimin's POV:
Oh my goodness why is she so stubborn?! You know what?, I am going to be like that to her from now on too see how she likes it I am an official troublemaker it won't be weird since I used to be like that in my old school in Busan and plus my friends are all troublemakers too I wanted to have a good first impression to the school so that's why I decided to be nice but now I guess I am going back to my old ways, it's gotta be worth it.

Hyejin's POV:
A minute later. I got to Wendy's house and they were all waiting there for me. "Sorry I kept you guys waiting Jimin was at my house." I said. "That's ok we weren't waiting long just a few minutes. Why was your excuse about Jimin? You like him don't you!? I saw you blushing REALLY hard!" Soo mi teased. "Yah! I saw you blushing even more so when Jungkook was looking at you! You like Jungkook! And I bet he likes you too!" Everyone was laughing except for Soo mi who was really embarrassed. "Yah!" She said, "Come on, lets just go..." Soo mi said blushing slightly. "Yah! Hyejin if you like Jimin you better be nice to him. Remember he is my cousin and if you do something wrong to him than I WILL take his side no matter if you are my friend!" Mina said warning me cautiously

"Wait Wendy where are we going?" Rosé asked curiously.

Wendy's POV:
To be honest I don't know where to go I just thought it would be a nice idea to go out somewhere I didn't exactly think this through did I? Everyone was looking at me waiting for me to reply but I just didn't know how. "Ummmmm .... w-w-well um I don't know!" I said. The others all said in unison, "Wait what?! What do you mean?! You don't know you invited us!"

"I'm sorry I didn't really think about that. Let's just keep on walking down I think there is a park somewhere near here."

Hyejin's POV:
We wondered off half not even knowing what this walk would lead to and the other half frustrated at Wendy for not having a set place to go. When we got to the end of the road it was a dead end, blocked with bushes. There was a small space in the bush so Rosé decided to crawl through, all of a sudden we all heard screaming it was coming from Rosé.

We all started getting panicked ....

To be continued ...

Thank you so much for reading this chapter and I (j)- hope you can't wait for Pt.2

I always appreciate votes, reads, and comments. I always am happy to see to see how much reads I get I am very grateful!

Again sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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