Figuring it out

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Hello everyone I had the greatest dream today Kpop related! Thank you so much for 435 reads and my first chapter (Introduction) nearly has 100 reads it has 99! Thank you all for the support and I really hope you are liking my fanfic I know I am not mentioning much about there powers but hopefully there will be more moments of that soon!

Hyejin's POV:
"He likes you!", she said trying to be as quiet as possible but she was also excited. "WHAT?!", I asked having no idea what she was talking about. "What do you mean? Who likes me? And whoever it is why would they like me? I am a nerd and I am not even pretty like the cool girls!", I said trying to shrug it off.

"You are so dumb! Jimin! He likes you! All the signs are there take it from a girl who already has a boyfriend he likes you!", she started giggling, "as soon as I saw him I shipped you two.". "That will only be a fantasy it won't be true.", I said sighing to myself. "It will be only a fantasy if either of you don't confess at some point if you do confess it will be true. You need to subtly show that you like him and he will hopefully get the hint, well he is a boy and may not get it, if he does he will confess if he doesn't then you need to.", she told me. "But I am not the type of girl to confess to a boy I feel like it should be the boy to do it, if I confess then it will be seen as disrespectful to myself and what if he says no then it will be more of an embarrassment to me! Let's just go in. It is cold, and the others must have been waiting for a while.". "Ok fine.", Lara unnie gave in and went inside. We took off our shoes and replaced them with slippers, took of our coats, and went to Soo mi's room.

"There you are finally! What did he say?", Rosé asked. "We can see her. They haven't buried her yet, and we are going to pay our respects when they have the funeral.", I reported back to them, "can we go tomorrow to see her since it is Sunday tomorrow?", I asked. "Uh yeah sure we should be free. Ok it's getting late and I am tired let's start getting ready to sleep.", Soo mi told us, "annyeong (bye) Lara unnie!", we said our goodbyes and one by one went into Soo mi's ensuit, got dressed into our pyjamas and brushed our teeth. Soo mi got out 3 mattresses big enough to fit two of us, "Sorry I only have these 3 if you have a bad back or anything that would restrict you from sleeping on the floor then you can sleep on the bed and I can sleep on the floor it's fine.", she awaited an answer. "Um. If you don't mind Soo mi can I sleep in the bed I have a bad back?", Haeun asked. "Yeah sure.", Soo mi replied and laid down the mattresses on the floor around the bed we had to share. Two on each bed, it was: me and Soo mi , Wendy and Rosé , and Mina and Seo Yeon.

--- Next Morning (Sunday) ---

We woke up and one by one had a shower holding onto the new handles that Soo mi bought ... it worked cool! We dried our selves off, brushed our teeth (one by one). I got dressed into this:

Seo Yeon got dressed into this~

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Seo Yeon got dressed into this~

Seo Yeon got dressed into this~

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