We need to talk ...

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Hello my lovely readers I am at 215 reads!!! Thank you so much it means the world and more to me to know people actually read my book it may not be a lot but it is to me. Side note: I may use this song in a future chapter so don't tell me I already used it cause I know. 💖 Ok let's get to the story ~

Hyejin's POV:
"Hahhhmmm" I yawned. I got out of bed and had a very speedy quick shower so hopefully I won't grow that tail again - "Ahh!" Ugh not again!!! It is real it wasn't just a stupid dream. I was on the tiled bathroom floor with a sore back. I dried up and turned on the tap to brush my teeth. I had my hand like this near the water like it was luring my hand to it:

 I had my hand like this near the water like it was luring my hand to it:

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(Yes this is my hand xD don't judge 😂)

A small ball of water came detached from the the rest of the flow of tap water and whatever direction I moved my hand in it would follow. I dropped my hand in that position and the water dropped back in the sink. What now?! I didn't think of it (as always), I would just tell my friends about it.

I did my usual routine (makeup, curl hair, and get dressed):

I think yesterday I made the wrong choice of clothes by wearing shorts

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I think yesterday I made the wrong choice of clothes by wearing shorts. My legs felt kinda cold so that is why I decided to wear something more appropriate to the season (winter).

I ran down stairs with a bigger backpack than before:

And this time Jin hyung made a croissant 🥐 for me and gave me a banana and strawberry smoothie in a smoothie bottle so I can take it to school 'How thoughtful of you Jin

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And this time Jin hyung made a croissant 🥐 for me and gave me a banana and strawberry smoothie in a smoothie bottle so I can take it to school 'How thoughtful of you Jin.' I thought to myself I was trying to quickly gobble up my croissant when my brothers came down from getting ready I am early today! Yay! "Annyeonghaseyo hyungs are we picking up Jimin hyung and Namjoon hyung today?" I asked just after I finished my last piece of breakfast :b mmmmm it was nice. "Wow blanked like always." I said sadly. I put my pencil case, and my required books in my bag along with my homemade smoothie.

I jumped in the car and buckled myself up. Jin got in and we were waiting in the car for V to get Jimin so we can take him to school, "Sorry for blanking you earlier on Hyejin I was in a world of my own. Did you enjoy breakfast? I woke up early to do it and then went back to sleep because it was still too early to wake up for school." Jin said being my father figure since even though I am a girl, I still need one but not as much as my brothers do since they are boys and would be closer to the dad steric typically. "Oh and also I forgot to tell you but eomma (mum) is coming home this afternoon after school from her business trip! I thought you may be excited because I know how much you missed her" Jin said with the biggest smile he could pull. "E - eomma is coming h - home today? Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Can we pick her up from the airport?" I said with the biggest smile I could pull too (which is not big because I am anti - social, and shy but I tried and I least I know how happy I am).

"Annyeonghaseyo hyungs!" I said still with my big and wide smile as V and Jimin got in the car, Jin's smile had faded and just replied with a "Yes we can.", but also gave me a don't tell Tae face, it was probably a surprise for him since he is really close with eomma. "What's the big smile for Hyejin?" Jimin asked expectantly. "Oh nothing ... it was just one of those bad dad jokes that Jin hyung told me. Right Jin Hyung?" I lied to keep it a surprise for V still. "Yes sure I told her one of my bad ones and I think she is starting to like them!" Jin played along laughing his wind shield wiper laugh. Now everyone started laughing as we reached Namjoon hyung's house ; he got in the car and started giggling at our laughs, and it soon turned into a car of laughter. When we got to school we all got hiccups.

"*hiccup* I need to drink something ... oh I have my smoothie ..." I said to myself getting my smoothie out of my bag outside my locker. 'Awhhh that's better.' I put my dance clothes in my locker and saw Namjoon hyung, Seo Yeon unnie, Yoongi hyung, Soo mi, Mina unnie, Rosé unnie, and Wendy unnie walk up to me seriously. "Is everything ok ...?" I said worried. "No everything is not ok Hyejin we all need to talk about you five girls." Seo Yeon said surprisingly serious, we may never really talk but I know her to be a funny and sarcastic (in a nice way) type of person she was very pretty that is for sure and a great personality a tonne more clever than me so it was unusual for her to be like that.

"Can we go to our hideout please, and I know I am not meant to show you guys but me and Yoongi decided just for now so don't come here without our permission." Namjoon said. "Ok." Us 6 girls said.

We reached their hideout. Seo Yeon, Yoongi, and Namjoon sat in front of us on an old sofa, and us 5 were seated surprisingly, comfortably on a PE bench 'some boys and their decor choices.' I thought while mentally shaking my head. On one of the walls it said 'BTS wuz here'. "Who is BTS?" Soo mi asked. "Oh it is our group name we use." Yoongi answered sternly (his normal personality). "We need to talk ..." Namjoon said, "We know your secret." ...

To be continued ...

Ohhhhhh I wonder what happens next? Hehe 😜 Did you enjoy today's chapter?? If so please show your love by reading, voting, and comment what you think will happen next.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes love you guys speak to you soon! 💖

The troublemaker who stole my heart | A BTS FanFic [✔️] Where stories live. Discover now