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Thank you for 417 reads! Let's get to the chapter! 💖

Soo mi's POV:
"Hyejin ... I think I know what it is ...", I said hesitantly. Her eyes widened, "What is it?", she asked. "She got k - killed...", I said to Hyejin. Her and Mina's hand's were covered over their mouths in shock. "But it is hard to say how she got killed for example if she got shot ... or stabbed I will need a picture.", I said.

"Why would anyone want to kill her. She was an amazing and kind hearted auntie.", Mina said not being able to move from shock and sadness. "We could go to see her in the hospital. We could ask Jimin or his dad to see if they have buried her yet and if they h - haven't then we can see with our own eyes what could have been the cause of death.", Hyejin suggested. "Yeah that's a good idea. Someone ask him.", I demanded.

Hyejin's POV:
"What, text or up in person?", I asked Soo mi. "Up to you.", Soo mi said. "I can come with you if you like?", Lara unnie suggested to me. "Ne (yes) please unnie.", I replied shyly.

We went downstairs, put our shoes on and left the house to cross over I was leading Lara unnie to his house since she has never been there before. We only put a light jacket on since we were not going far. I was still a bit upset with how Jimin reacted to me giving him a hug but I knew he didn't mean it and only did it because he was upset. I knocked on the door and Mr. Park (Jimin's dad) opened the door. Lara unnie doesn't go to our school so she has never met Mr. Park before. I simply greeted him and asked, "We need to speak to Jimin if that is possible or if not could we talk to you please Mr. Park?". He just nodded and let us in we were about to take off our shoes but Mr. Park shook his head signalling that we can keep them on. He put up his index finger at us signalling one second or minute he would be back. He went upstairs and we heard faint talking it must have been from Mr. Park to Jimin.

Whilst they were talking I found myself looking around the living room ,just with my eyes I wasn't moving. It was dark in the living room (where we were standing) the lights were off. The atmosphere was completely different to how Jimin's room is like. His room was bright and colourful with cool gadgets and all sorts of cool decorations even though this house is beautiful and modern looking it feels dull and gloomy like something was missing I wanted to look around further but I heard footsteps coming down the stairs it was Jimin and his dad. Jimin looked at me with a sad face kind of like he wanted to say sorry. I gave him a warm smile back showing that I accepted his apology. You could tell that he felt a bit better.

"Here is Jimin would you also like to speak to me as well or not?", Mr. Park asked, that was the first thing he said the whole time we have been here he signalled at us to sit on the sofa. "Um anniyo (no) if we need you we will call you.", I said smiling at him he left and went upstairs. "Annyeonghaseyo (hello) Jimin.", he was just staring at me but not a creepy one a sweet one, "this is Lara unnie she is Jin soo Hyung's g- girlfriend.", I blushed when I said 'girlfriend' for some reason and Jimin just smirked at me. "Um this is probably not a good time to be asking you about this topic but I ... I mean we were wondering if you had buried your eomma yet? Oh and if you haven't could you let me know when you are so I can pay my respects since I never got to meet your eomma.", I put my head down showing that I was sad and was waiting for his response.

He started to speak, "Anniyo (no) we haven't buried her yet.", he spoke normally I was happily surprised that he didn't sound upset I lifted my head and he was there smiling with a few tears built up in his eyes, "and of course you can come she always wanted to meet you ever since she heard that there was a teenage girl living next door she got so happy and wanted to meet you. I guess she was like that because she only had me as a boy and her only child; she wanted to have a boy as well as a girl. Of course she had Mina as a niece but she seemed happier about you. I don't know why though. Why are you asking?", he answered me.

"Awww she sounded lovely I feel really bad that I couldn't see her. We wanted to help out to find out what was the cause of your eomma's death we all were really upset to find out about your eomma passing away. So as we are kind of friends with you we wanted to help if the doctors couldn't investigate further to her cause of death.", I answered his question with a bit of a worried voice what if he didn't want us to help? He looked at me and Lara unnie with a grateful expression, "Khamsahmbnida (thank you) ... you really wanted to figure out my eomma's death? Whose idea was this?", Jimin said getting happier from his depressed state that he was in I am glad we could make him happier. "It was Hyejin's idea. She was the reason why all of her friends went to Soo mi's house and I happened to be there with Jin soo I wanted to see what they were talking about and they explained everything to me I was very happy that they all wanted to help you.", she said to Jimin like she was trying to convince someone, Lara unnie was nice and all but whatever she was doing she didn't have to do.

"Thank you Hyejin. Seriously this means so much to me.", Jimin said blushing something I haven't really seen him do before. "It's fine. Jimin I was wondering if we could go to see your eomma.", I said unsure with what his response would be. "What do you mean you just asked that and I said yes?", he asked confused ... then it hit him what I was trying to say, "O- o- ohhh. I know what you m - mean. In the m- morgue in the b- basement where they keep the dead bodies until they are buried. I will see what I can do ... oh and can I come with you guys?", he sounded quite shook about what we meant but stayed calm. "Yes that was what we meant and of course you can come if you are sure you are going to be ok?". "Thank you I am truly grateful if there is anything I can do to repay you please tell me.", he said looking at me but what about to Lara unnie?

"Your welcome but you meant both of us right?", I asked on behalf of Lara unnie. He opened his mouth to speak but Lara unnie cut him off and said, "Anniyo, Anniyo it's fine you don't have to worry about me. You are the one who came up with the idea to start this, so you should get the credit.", she is acting stranger and stranger in my opinion. "Um we should go back now. The girls must be waiting for us. Thank you for having us Jimin and I will text you when we are going to the hospital. Please take care.", he got up and opened the door for us, "Annyeong (bye)!", we all said together and left.

We crossed over and went back to Soo mi's house. I quickly checked the time on my phone it was currently 19:45 pm (7:45 pm) we were about to enter through the door when Lara unnie stood in front of me to stop me waking any further. "What's wrong unnie?", I asked her really confused and had no idea what was going on. "He likes you!", she said trying to be as quiet as possible but she was also excited. "WHAT?!", I asked having no idea what she was talking about.

To be continued ...

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! Did you hear the news from they wrote an apparent rumour that Cube Entertainment has made E'Dawn from Pentagon expelled from the group because he was dating the soloist from Cube - Hyuna for two years secretly and the fans aren't liking it so they decided to expel him. Universes should mind their own business it's their life's and if they wanna date let them date it has NOTHING to do with us and besides they look nice together and Hyuna is a talented, pretty, and a kind person who (in my opinion) are great together and I actually feel REALLY bad for them, imagine you liked someone and you decided to date them but you were kpop idols so you had to keep the fact you were dating a secret for 2 YEARS! That would be hard so as a universe let them be together. But again it is just a rumour and is known for lying so it could just be lie but take it into consideration that it could be true. At the moment I feel kinda sad to be a universe. SORRY FOR THE LONG RANT BIT I FEEL LIKE I HAD TO SAY IT 😂.

I am sorry for any spelling mistakes and I love you guys so much and I can't believe Soomkook is sailing!!!

I just uploaded a new YouTube video yesterday (the Epiphany reaction) here it is \

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