A turn of events Pt.2

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It is the same song to listen to since this is a part 2 this my first 'parts' I have done in this fan fic I just thought it would be too long if I put the whole thing together I hope you still enjoy it though!

- ♥︎-

Wendy's POV:
I felt responsible. It was my fault about the unknown incident with Rosé. I am going after her no matter what. I got down on all fours with my warm tears rolling down my cheeks (lucky I don't wear make up otherwise all of it would be smugded by now), I was about to go through the hole when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder signalling for me to not go any further. I turned around to see Hyejin her face was pale with panic, worry, and fear written all over it.

Hyejin's POV:
What the hell is she doing?! I quickly stopped Wendy before anything bad happened to her, instead got her up and pushed her onto the side - she shouldn't be guilty at all it wasn't her fault - and I got onto all fours and went through the bushes I found a wide and deep hole. "This must be the source to Rosé's screaming." I said to myself acting like a detective, "HeyRosé it's me Hyejin, are you down this hole!?" I shouted loud enough for her to hopefully hear if she was down the hole.

"HYEJIN YES IT IS ME PLEASE COME HELP ME QUICKLY, I AM GETTING SCARED!" she screamed so loud I thought I was gonna go deaf. "Ok, ok, ok Rosé! You don't need to scream I can hear you fine. Anyways, I am coming down to help you it's fine, don't worry it will be safe down th-"

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" Now I was screaming too falling down the hole not knowing what it will lead me to: certain death or to Rosé. I landed hard on my bottom - and luckily it lead me to my second option - it hurt my back a bit since the floor was, for some reason, cobble stone someone must have been here before us. I got up, brushed myself off, and checked myself for any injuries - I was fine. I helped up Rosé, checked her for any injuries, and she brushed herself off - she was luckily fine too. "You took your time!" Rosé said a bit frustrated.

Then we heard 3 more familiar screams (it was the others) we both face palmed ourselves - for coming down when they obviously weren't mean to - when they came down landing on their bottoms and were looking around fascinated about the place they fell into. Rosé then shouted at the 3 clueless friends, "Why did you come down you pabos were supposed to get a rope or call for help!" , Soo mi replied baffled with Rosé's appalling behaviour, "First of all we wanted to look too! And second of all what rope!?"

Author's POV:
Hyejin cut off the the fight before it got worse, "Ok guys just calm down it's happened already. Lets just - Lets just try to find a way out ok?" . "Alright." everyone greed. "Ok - right - this looks likes a tunnel so get out your phones and ya the torch just in case anything is ahead that could potentially be dangerous ok? Lets stick together guys!"

They were walking for about 2 minutes and they found a small staircase going down. They walked down - and this was when the turn of events started - it was like a small circle - shaped room and in the middle was the only place with light, the source of it was from hole in the ceiling, so they walked into the middle and all of a sudden it started raining only them strangely for 5 seconds and in those 5 short seconds the girls were in awe how magical the water drops were. It turned out that none of them were even wet afterwards! they were just all speechless. There was another small staircase - but this time leading up - they followed the stair case up onto normal level of earth. What they saw was SO strange ; they were outside the bushes still speechless ...

Hyejin's POV:
Everything was just so so strange none of us even had the ability to say anything. Things like this you only see in movies and read in fairy tales never in real life. I suddenly got a phone call from Jin.

Me - Yeobos -


Me- YEOBOSEYO (Hello) would be nice Jin oppa ok I will hurry up home and I do have a good explanation.

Jin - You better have a GOOD one or their will be severe punishment! And don't call me oppa you know I hate it, just call me HYUNG. Bye.

-Ends the phone call-

"Ok... guys? I am gonna have to run home i will see you tomorrow at school. bye!" I said trying to act as normal as I can getting ready to get confronted by my older brothers (Mainly Jin because Tae just cannot be bothered to show the slightest care about me even though he may do inside) and of course eat some ddukbokki mmmmm.... :b. Mina just answered - since the other were still shocked - as if she were in a trance "Ok go ahead see you outside our lockers tomorrow good luck with your brothers...".
- ♥︎-

- At home -

Hyejin's POV:
I got back home I took off my shoes, and replaced them with slippers. I took off my bag, took out my phone, and put in the basket near the door. Jin and V were waiting for me in the kitchen sitting on the stools infront of the kitchen island. I gulped nervously and walked over and took a seat opposite them. Whilst eating myddukbokki I said, "Daebak Jin hyung. Annyeonghaseyo Jin and V hyung has Namjoon hyung and Jimin gone home already?". "Khamsambnida (Thank you) Ne (Yes) Namjoon and Jimin have gone since it is 7:00 pm. And by the way you can call Jimin, Jimin hyung and the same for Jungkook since we are also friends with him he lives next door to that girl in your grade ... Soo mi right?" He said surprisingly relaxed. A big grin lined my face when Jin mentioned where Jungkook lives, "Jinja?! (Really) and ne you got her name right she is my new friend. Ok fine I will call them Hyung. Khamsambnida hyung for the delicious food, I am going to get some sleep now since we have school tomorrow. Jal ja! (goodnight) Hyungs."

To be continued ...

Thank you very much for all the support you guys have given me I am very grateful! And btw Jin was just joking about the explanation he let her off 😅. What do you think happened to the girls after the rain hit them??

All love will be highly appreciated!

And sorry for any spelling mistakes that I may have made!

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