He came to the school ... Pt.2

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Hello everyone! By the way please listen to this song by Zion. T ft. Seulgi and the M/V is really nice as well. So sorry for not updating in a while ...

Tae's POV: (Before Hyejin came in)
"What are YOU doing here?!", Yoongi shouted in shock. "Huhhhh wh - where am I? And why am I dressed like this?", he said questioning his black attire, "it looks I am gonna rob some place with these clothes.". "Stop fooling around with us Soo bong you know the exact answers to those questions. Your just acting like this to play innocent and not get in trouble.", Yoongi said again. "Yoongi stop being so mean to me for once, i'm being serious the last thing I remember is something getting stuck in the back of my neck whilst I was watching YouTube on my phone and here I am now.", Soo bong said dead serious.

Soo bong looked over to the floor where dad was lying on his back. "Who is he?", Soo bong asked. "No one important for you to know.", I said sternly. "Tell me who it is!", he fought back. 'You know what...' I thought and punched Soo bong so hard he was instantly knocked out, I brushed my hands satisfied with the damage I had done to him. "What was that for?!", Jin shouted. "He was annoying me ok? And I didn't want him to know that he was asking who that was because I am ashamed to call that man our dad.".

--- Present time ---

Hoseok's POV:
I told Hyejin what happened she was wide eyed with the story that I was telling her. "So why did dad ... warn you guys about ... Soo mi? He said something like he hoped she stayed safe?", she asked trying to work out what her father was talking about. Her eyes widened in shock again "OMO! ... what did she have last lesson?!", she exclaimed in a rush jumping off the old sofa us two were both sitting on. " I - I don't know. Why?", I asked. As if he was listening to the conversation, Jungkook joined in and said she had PE last, but I still didn't get why she asked what Soo mi's last lesson was and was in a rush.

Hyejin's POV:
Someone has done something to Soo mi or will do something to her but, unfortunately, I don't know what that 'something' is I just hope she is ok. Now I know where she could be and that is the only location I could think was the PE hall where she had her last lesson.

I was running as fast as I could down the two stories of stairs and through the doors of the school and into the sports building. This could have taken me around 3 minutes to do since I am at an average speed of running but not the fittest person ever but I eventually made it and searched through all the rooms in the building including the: (New dance room, gymnastic/ activity room, the head of PE's office, and the two changing rooms).

There was one area I had not yet looked in and that was the biggest area so she could still be hiding in the cupboards where the sports equipment is or anywhere else in the hall so I got my fighting and protective mood on in my head and was ready to defend myself at anytime. I wonder who could have harmed Soo mi since my dad and Soo bong were already unconscious in the hideout and there was nobody else who could be helping my dad.

I slowly tip toed as quietly as possible into the hall and started looking around for Soo mi and get straight out. This is ridiculous! ... Why aren't there any teachers? They don't go home till hours so they should still be here and there should be cleaners coming in at any minute. Some school security.

I was cautiously looking in the equipment cupboards. Nothing. I felt a breeze gush into the PE hall, I looked around trying to find the place it came from, I saw a window half opened. But it looked like it could have been opened in a rush and it wasn't high it was low enough and big enough for someone to climb through .... OH NO!

I ran out of the Sports building and ran to the car park I didn't see any suspicious vehicles, except for this van but it might be there for delivering stuff to the school. I turned around to go back in the Sports building when I heard a chillingly familiar vehicle engine start.



We walked out from the cave just retrieving our new lockets. This should be the last surprise through our mermaid process.

We were all nearly home and were walking past Jimin's house when a fishy man walked past we speed walked away from him, we had a bad feeling about him, he changed his route and started walking towards us. Fast. We started sprinting to the nearest home, which was either mine or Soo mi's, he caught up and knocked us out.

He roughly put us in the back of a black van I could tell because I was still a bit conscious unlike the others he started the engine and then I went unconscious from the strong - forced hit.



Hyejin's POV:

The van was driving away from the school recklessly proof this van wasn't a delivery van. I started running, it felt like, as fast as Usain Bolt trying to keep up with it. I ran and ran still not getting close enough. I was running out of breath but I didn't care I had to keep on trying. I started slowing down and the van was getting further away from me. I decided the only way to stop it was to ice the wheels, I reached out my hand and fired out a bolt of ice but it didn't go that far. The van had now driven out of the school gates and fast down the road.

I stopped in shock to my fail. I processed what just happened and dropped to my knees, not caring if my trousers got scuffed or what state the floor was in. I buried my head in my hands and started crying.

I felt a presence behind me, but at this point I didn't care if it was my dad there trying to take me too. But then I felt this person take me in their arms I found a new place to bury my head and cry it was, I am assuming at this point that it's a 'he', on his shoulder. It felt comfortable and I felt just right there with his head leaning on mine comforting me. I thought it was my cousin, Namjoon, or my brothers, but I still didn't care who it was it just felt right and he helped me calm down a lot. He started to rub my back to calm me down then he spoke, "Calm down it's ok Hyejin we will find and get Soo mi back.", it was Jimin...

To be continued ...

Hehehehehe 😏 Jimin and Hyejin are FINALLY getting closer towards each other! Achievement unlocked!
Anyways happy belated (by one day) birthday to Min-Min97 Saranghaeyo .
Thank you for reading this chapter love you guys 💖 update soon and sorry for any spelling mistakes bye!

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