Getting together

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Hello my fabulous readers! Thank you so so much for 399 reads I am truly grateful. I am gonna start making this fanfic with a bit of violence (ish) in it like > murder scenes, and stalking (later on in the story).

Hyejin's POV:
I hope Soo mi and the other girls can give me answers about Jimin's mum. They don't know but this is for Jimin's family benefit (that basically includes the benefits for Mina too) and I am doing it because I feel bad and want to help in anyway possible and it is sadder because even though I am next door neighbours with them I never got to introduce myself properly to Jimin's parents but I may ask Jimin for photos of her if we need to investigate any further, then I will get to see her; if Jimin inherited any looks from her or any personality traits.

I decided to text my friends because I wanted to talk with them and confirm about meeting up at Soo mi's.

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