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This song doesn't go with this chapter but I love it.
Hey guys I know I am not doing this or last chapter on my normal schedule but I love writing chapters for you, and I hope you like them as much as I do! I will be doing a chapter on Friday still and my 6 week school holiday is coming soon this is our last week!!! So I will be updating more frequently throughout that time.

Soo mi's POV:
Namjoon, Yoongi, and Seo Yeon finished explaining their 'visions'. They now want us to try our 'powers' what else do we have to deal with now?! This mermaid business is quite frustrating with every new thing that comes.

"Ok. Soo mi you are first.", Namjoon said whilst putting out his bottle of water on the small table in front of us. "What do you want me to do first?" I asked getting ready to discover what power I have. "Put your hand straight in front of the bottle and slowly clench your fist.", Seo Yeon requested. "Ok unnie." I did as she said and nothing happened. "Right, don't worry nothing happened because you most likely don't have that power. Wendy you do the same now." Namjoon said reassuringly.

Yoongi's POV:
Wendy did the same hand motion. Nothing. "That's fine too- ", Namjoon's sentence was cut short by Hyejin. "Don't you know from your vision who can do this power?!", she said slightly annoyed. "Yes in fact I had this in MY vision. I didn't say it earlier on 'cause I wanted you to prove to me through your personality that you possess the power that I saw you have in my vision." I said slightly teasing her.

She rolled her eyes. "Why don't you try it then Hyejin." I said going back to my originally stern position. "Fine I will.", she said with her nose up. She did it. It worked. The water started to boil like a science experiment the bottle cap was starting to slowly rise up from the pressure, Hyejin started getting worried she didn't what to do. "Unclench your fist you pabo (idiot)!" I said to her annoyed by her stupidity. She did as I told her ; the water bottle stayed the same. It didn't get worse or calm down.

"You have the power to heat things Hyejin. But I am sure I saw you have other powers in my vision." Seo Yeon said expressionless looking at Hyejin. "Yes I did too. Hyejin put your hand like this near the water bottle.", Namjoon said :

Hyejin's POV:I did as they told me to

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Hyejin's POV:
I did as they told me to. A single ball of water detached off the rest of the boiled liquid ,like in the morning, it burst open the bottle cap and followed my every hand movement I dropped my hand and the water dropped on the floor but I didn't make anyone wet since it was a small ball. "That happened to me in the morning when I was brushing my teeth (to my friends) I was gonna tell you guys but I came here." I said. "That's fine at least we know now." Mina said finally breaking her silence.

"Ok Hyejin you have the powers to heat things, and control water / explode things ... I think you had a third one but before we get onto that one, Wendy can you try that one too please." Namjoon said whilst checking the time in his watch, "Oh and by the way guys we have 30 mins until next period since our first lesson was a free period.", He stated. "Ok we still have time to work out everyone's powers.", Rosé said breaking her silence too.

Wendy did the same hand movement as me and it worked for her too that means we have the same power. "Ok Wendy just as I predicted you have the same power as Hyejin." Seo Yeon said almost like she was a professional at this, "Now Hyejin your third and last power try putting your hand straight up at the bottle.", Seo Yeon said. "Ok I will try.", I did it, it freezed the water like it had a full night in the freezer. "You have the powers to heat things, explode things / control water, and freeze things. Hyejin boil it to melt the ice ... khamsambnida (thank you) now Rosé do the same please.", Namjoon said extremely focused and fascinated and so was Seo Yeon, Yoongi just looked like he could be doing something much better than this. She did it too and it worked we also have the same powers. "Hyejin please melt it again. And Mina do the same hand movement as Wendy and Hyejin did to control the water but a little wider", she did it and it turned into jelly, "Ok you have the power to turn things into jelly and finally Soo mi please focus hard on Yoongi and try to feel his emotion and try to read his mind ... what is he thinking?" Namjoon guided her through the steps. She did it and replied bluntly, "He doesn't want to do this right now and could be doing better things." Everyone started chuckling at his seriousness.

"Ok you guys seriously need to keep this a secret ... tell us only if you need help." Namjoon and Seo Yeon said. "We will don't worry.", us five said. The bell for our first period went and we got our bags and left the hideout.

To be continued ...

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter please vote, and comment speak to you guys soon, bye!

Sorry for any spelling mistakes love you all 💕

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