Is it bad to Steal? (Final Chapter)

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Hey guys I have been OBSESSED over this song for a while now and I mean a long while now and they all look so hot 😍 and the song is so catchy I have it in my head now even writing this author note and I am so proud of Monsta X for their wins for Shoot out!

Hyejin's POV:
"Calm down it's ok Hyejin we will find and get Soo mi back.", it was Jimin... wait JIMIN?! I didn't wanna seem over reactive so I slowly slid out of our embrace and started blushing madly I could feel the heat go through my skin and had a burning sensation.

"J - Jimin? That was you?", I asked a silly question since that was a bit obvious that it was him, then I realised that I used my powers when trying to get back Soo mi. "I ran after you I figured that you might need help just in case something happened.", Jimin said. "What did you see?", I asked needing to know if he saw anything that he wasn't meant to. "Well you reached out your hand and a bolt of ice came flying into the ground, I don't know where that came from ... but it looked like it came from your hand ...", Jimin said with disbelief in his answer.

I didn't know how to cover it up the only way I could give an answer to him was to tell the truth ...


Soo mi's POV:
I slowly woke up in a dark place, it could be a back of a vehicle, since it was moving, probably a van. It felt like that same scenario from when we got kidnapped that day...

--- A few minutes later ---

We came to a stop. I heard someone get out of the van and there were footsteps, they were coming to the back where I was. I quickly closed my eyes and dropped to the floor acting like I was unconscious. Jin soo must have bought it, since he carried me bridal style into a building. I didn't wanna open my eyes, because of the way he was carrying me and could see my face clearly.

He chucked me on what seemed to be some type of bed and left me there. I opened my eyes to look around my surroundings and I recognised it very well, it was the warehouse we were taken to when were kidnapped. I tried to see what I was lying on, it was a hospital surgery bed... what were they planning to do to me?, or was this the only thing they had for me to lie on?

I heard noises coming from outside the door. I immediately closed my eyes again, but I was too late, "Why hello ... wait what's your name?", he changed from an intimidating look on his face to a confused one. "S- Soo mi", I replied trying to keep my answers that I would give to him short.

"Ok", he re - positioned to his intimidating expression and started again, "Why hello Soo mi. I am Kim Jung Suk, Hyejin's dad. I know a lot about you girls since I am a mutual, as you know, and know about your powers I want all of your girls' powers to myself but I think the only way I could use them without hurting you is for you to use it on my command... what do you think about that Soo mi?", he looked at me with an expecting an answer to support his decision. I looked him in the eyes and said, "I don't care what you do with me! Just leave my friends alone, and what did you do to my brother?!"

"I don't think that's possible dear I need all of you to have all of your powers.", he explained. "Well maybe I can do a deal with you: you let me go and I can find a way for you to have all of our powers in one person and leave them alone.", I reasoned with him I was honest about what I said before I don't care what he did to me I just want the others to be safe from this psycho. "Is there any way that I can obtain all of my friends' power's so they are safe?", I asked. "Yes in fact there is, and that is a pretty good idea you thought of I wouldn't have thought of it myself", he said impressed. "Don't get all nice with me I still hate you.", I said to him in disgust.

He told me the method of how to take their powers, he also told me that it would take away their ability to turn into a mermaid.

Jin soo drove me a few meters away from my home. I crossed over to Hyejin's house and hesitantly knocked on the door it only took two knocks for the door to be opened by Hyejin the person I was most nervous to see, she let me in and lead me to my room she was so happy to see me we hang out with each other for an hour. We were having so much fun that I completely forgot the whole point why I came here. I pretended like I had to go home to see my parents, but I wasn't going there anytime soon that was for sure, I hugged her and she slowly got sleepier and fainted, her locket now colourless.



"The way that you can take your friends' power's is to get your two lockets close together for 60 seconds they will faint, but don't worry they will be fine, and they will have no colour left in their lockets. Simple.", he told me.


I went to Wendy's house, Mina's house, Rosé's house and took their powers every time I left one house I cried even more knowing this would probably the last time I saw them. Forever. I also went to Haeun's house, and Seo yeon's house, even though I don't talk to them much I felt that I had to say goodbye.

Last but not least, I could never forget to say goodbye to him, my boyfriend Jungkook. I knocked on his door cleaning my tears so he wouldn't be suspicious. He let me in and took me to his room. We talked and had fun, I was about to leave his room when he grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall, I closed my eyes, scared of what would happen next I never really liked romance so this was out of my comfort zone. I could feel his breath getting closer when I heard the door open. *phew*. It was his mum asking us if we wanted anything to eat or drink, "ANNIYO (NO) EOMMA (MUM)", he said annoyed.

I left Jungkook's house balling out with tears and got into Jin soo's van back to the ware house. I didn't go to my parents house because of what Hyejin told me, she said that my parents didn't care that I was lost and didn't care if Jin Soo was lost either, so I didn't wan to see them anymore.

I got back to the ware house and told Jong suk that I did it and he was pleased. "Good work Soo mi. You may call me sir. You will live in this ware house with me and my other assistances (including your brother) forever. You will not try to escape or have any contact with the outside world only if I tell you or you will be dead. From what I have seen so far you have good skills, you are my top assistant. Don't worry the accommodation is quite alright here. Jin soo will show you to your room.". Jin soo came and was about to take me roughly to my room when Sir stopped me, "Jin soo can you wait at the door please. Soo mi will be with you in a minute.", Jin soo obeyed, then Sir turned to me, "You asked earlier on what happened to your brother. Well I made your parents inject him I told them the exact side effects but they still did it anyways it would erase his memories and he would follow my instructions and also do what he wanted he's not like a robot. I was going to do the same to you but I changed my mind when we made that deal so don't worry.", he told me.

I went with Jin soo to my room and tried to settle in since I made that sacrifice to stay here for the rest of my life.

Goodbye normal life ...
Goodbye best friends ...
Goodbye family (except for Jin soo) ...
Goodbye ...

The End

First of all I just wanna say I am so sorry for not updating in ages. Thank you so much for 8O8 reads!

I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year 💖

I will be doing a special sequel but that will be ages away because it is a surprise and when it does come out you will hopefully see why it took ages.

Sorry for not giving further notice that I was gonna end it I just thought it would be nice to end it here. It has been a fun journey writing this FanFic I still remember when I first released it and it had hardly any reads but now I have 8O8. I just love you all so much for sticking around and reading it.

See you in my next FanFic bye!

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