Our first 'friend' argument

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Hey guys I am sorry for not updating in literally AGES, I wasn't even active on instagram since last month too so here is another update and I hope it is good enough.

Hyejin's POV:
I looked at Jimin and he was very impressed at our performance he looked a bit different but I couldn't quite get what it was. I looked closer and saw his hair was different it was more of an ash - brown colour. I walked up to him and scolded, "Yah! Jimin are you stupid why are you dying your hair and ruining it! You looked nice with black hair anyways.". "Thanks. You think I looked nice ... well you are obviously dumb or blind because your brothers and your cousin and Yoongi, and Jungkook have dyed their hair too.", he said making a point.

I turned my head to look at the boys. My mouth open wide at what they did to their hair,
- Jin had brown hair.
- Yoongi had dark red hair.
- Hoseok had black hair still phew.
- Namjoon dyed it blonde.
- Taehyung dyed it blonde too.
- Jungkook dyed it brown too.
"Have all you gone crazy ... except for Hoseok the only sensible one.", I said angry and turning back to Jimin.

"What do you mean? It's our hair not your's so, no offence, but it's got nothing to do with you.", Jimin said equally frustrated at me than I was with him, "besides I think Mr. Park is talking to your group of dancers you should go and join them.", he said dismissing me. "Excuse me! How dare you speak to me like I am a piece of ... I don't know! You might be frustrated with me but that doesn't mean you can speak to me like that.", I spoke back, "and don't worry I am going to join them why would I want to speak to someone who is moody?!", I walked away sensing he felt a bit bad but I didn't care but I did feel a bit bad too ; I shouldn't have to feel bad I didn't do anything wrong I was only trying to protect their hair from getting damaged.

I joined the group, Mr. Park was discussing what we will be doing for a group dance he also said that the girls that just danced would have to do ANOTHER dance as well as the group dance. "Ok class pay attention!", he announced to the rest of the class, "we will be showing the girls' group dance soon so please get ready for that.".

We practiced the dance and I realised that two other girls were joined to our group to make a 9. Meah was one of them... and another girl that was in year 9 got chosen to do the group dance with us because she stood out from the other girls in her year, she stood out with her skill, I walked up to her and introduced myself, "Hey! I'm Hyejin, what's your name?", I asked kindly empathizing with her because she has no friends in this group and would be quite shy. "H - hey Hyejin ... i'm Daisy. Thanks for being nice I feel lonely because all of you are year 10s and I have no friends with me.", she replied sweetly. "It's fine, if you ever need anything or someone to talk to like a friend when your alone you can talk to me.", I returned the smile. We went to the others and practiced the dance the song was really nice. Mina and her 8 other friends: Nayeon, Jihyo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Momo, Sana, Jeongyeon, and Tzuyu made called Dance the Night Away.

We practiced with no bickering between us and Meah. "OK! Class.", he shouted unnecessarily loud to the rest of the class, "the 9 girls will be performing now. Please give a clap at the end as they have worked very hard and it was harder for them to do it in unison because there was so many of them.", he readied the music. We took our starting positions; I felt someone gazing at my direction I looked to see who it was, it was Jimin looking apologetically at me I rolled my eyes and looked somewhere else.

(Nayeon - Hyejin, Jihyo - Daisy, Dahyun - Seo Yeon, Mina - Mina, Tzuyu - Soo mi, Jeongyeon - Haeun, Chaeyoung - Rosé, Momo - Wendy, and Sana - Meah.)

Jimin's POV:
She did good. They all did. And they were all so mature about Meah being in their group despite the fact they are not friends with her. And she was so nice to that year 9. I gave them a big applause they deserved it. They came towards us to get their water bottles, Hyejin's was right next to me she quickly got it and walked away from me. Meah came and sat next to me moving closer, "What do you want Meah.", I said rolling my eyes.

"I never actually got to introduce myself properly your the new Jimin right? I'm Meah. I saw you in the library that time with ... Hyejin your quite close to her and her friends you hang around with them a lot. Don't get angry, I'm sorry but I heard your argument with her earlier on and it looks like your not hanging with her at this moment so if you want you could ... hang around with me if you like?", she asked slyly. "One , I already know who you are and I don't want to hang around with you I have my own friends anyways and two , don't over hear our conversations again and leave Hyejin, Soo mi and her friends alone I know that you guys don't like each other so bye!", I said shooing her away.

This whole time Hyejin was eyeing me and Meah. I walked up to her ; she turned her back to me. I turned her around with my hands and started speaking, "Hey Hyejin ... um ... i'm so sorry about earlier on please forgive me i am not in the best place right now I am still a bit upset about my mum. But remember when you were on your way to Soo mi's house? When I told you about maybe going somewhere to get to know each other better or just talk if you liked? I was wondering if we could do that tomorrow?", I asked her nervous for her reply.

To be continued ...

Hey guys I am so so sorry for not updating I have so much homework more than year 8 homework and I have been doing this chapter in parts for ages. So I hope you enjoy it.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes I haven't proof read it. Love you guys so much 💖.

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