Defending each other

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I really like this song from Red velvet 😍. Hey guys I hope you didn't think last chapter was TOO long but this shouldn't be as long hopefully 😅.

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Hyejin's POV:
I ran into the toilets, as soon as I heard Namjoon close the door from the outside, I fell to the floor. "Ewwwww this floor is disgusting!", I said loud enough for Namjoon to hear, I hadn't flipped the switch to close it from my side Namjoon was just holding it shut with his back, "Be quiet everyone will hear you! Just use your heat power on your tail to dry yourself.", Namjoon scolded me ; the last bit he whispered but I could still hear him. "Ok chill axe!", I said trying to quietly scold him back.

I was drying myself off. Whilst I was doing that I could hear running towards the door. I thought it was eomma just worrying so I shrugged it off and continued heating my tail to evaporate the water and I will become dry, back to my normal self. Namjoon could convince her easily.

Then I heard a familiar boys voice, it seemed to belong to ... JIMIN! OMO I need to hurry and get out of here. Fast! Jimin is a hard person to convince. "Hey Joonie hyung is Hyejin ok? I saw her running away with you was it because of the coffee and she had to clean it off?", Jimin said sounding worried. Why would HE worry about ME? I don't know but I need to keep drying myself off. "Uhh well um yeah she is fine ...?", Namjoon said stumbling with his words.

--- 1 minute later ---

"Well when she ran off she didn't look fine! Where is she Namjoon?!", Jimin said getting angry with him. I pushed open the door struggling because Namjoon was hard to move, he realised I was coming out and moved. Jimin's angry expression with Namjoon had faded when he saw me come out. "Hey guys is everything alright I heard you shouting.", I said completely ignoring Jimin's expression. But I decided to acknowledge him and he had the most joyful look, I smiled back. "Um let's go back to the car everyone must be waiting for us.", I said getting the awkward situation of me nearly turning into a mermaid in the airport out of the air.

When we were walking back I ,for some reason, felt the urge to turn my head to right of me. I saw Jimin walking close to my pace but he was a bit slower than me I felt bad for. So I walked slower to his pace, he was happy to see that I wanted to walk with him, because we were close together our hands brushed against each other. I quickly moved my hand and so did he we were both blushing hard and had nothing to say. He broke the silence, "Woah you were good at cleaning up those stains! How did you do it?", I was confused and looked down at my hoodie ... the stains were gone! "Um thanks it must have not soaked into my hoodie so it was easier to take off and plus my hoodie is about the same colour as coffee so it wouldn't be as noticeable.", I said trying to act cool so he wouldn't think I am lying. It must have been from when I turned into a mermaid it didn't make a difference to my clothes! Awesome!

We got in the car and dropped off Namjoon. Once we got out of the car we said goodbye to Jimin and he walked over to the right side of my house ((his house) he is my next door neighbour on my right side. Rosé lives on my left side, Soo mi lives opposite me, Wendy lives 5 houses from me, Mina lives next to Soo mi (on the left side), Seo Yeon lives on the same road as Namjoon and lives next to him and Haeun lives next to Seo Yeon). Before Jimin got into his house I shouted his name he looked over with again another happy face. "Do you wanna go to the library down the road on a day you are free?", I asked him. He looked confused as if I was gonna say something else, "so we can start our project. I can make a mind map of some ideas if you like?". "Do you wanna go tomorrow? I am free then but we need to think of what body system to do.", He said. "Well we could do the respiratory system or nervous system.", I said sounding like a proper nerd.

The troublemaker who stole my heart | A BTS FanFic [✔️] Where stories live. Discover now