You better know

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Hey guys I REALLY HOPE I WON'T make this chapter too long cause I feel like I may lose you half way through. But I still hope you enjoy it. And thank you very much for 363 reads! BTW this chapter is mainly focused on Soomkook (Soo mi x Jungkook (my fav ship in real life 😏)).

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Soo mi's POV:
"Hey Soo mi can I ask you a question?", Jungkook said pulling me to one side. I followed him and asked, "Yes of course what is it?". "I was wondering maybe tomorrow, since it is the weekend, you would like to maybe go to watch a movie? Because I really wanted to watch the new movie that is coming out: psychokinesis*? It's just that when I asked my Eomma and Appa if I could watch it they said I have to watch it with another person so that it isn't dangerous being by myself.", he said. "Is that the movie about p - powers? That everyone is hyping about? Who is starring in it? Any actors and actresses that I know? That are good? Is it a good movie?", I bombarded him with questions.
*= psychokinesis is a Korean movie from this year (2018). I don't know if it has come out already or not though.

Jungkook's POV:
She bombarded me with questions that I cannot answer. 'Why do you have to always bring up your parents to make an excuse so you don't embarrass your self?! You need to step up and say it without being scared!', my conscious scolded me. "Um I don't know the answer to any of those questions except for the first one; yes, it is about powers. Can you still come or not?", I answered her question.

"Yes of course! I would love to come I wanted to watch that movie anyways.", She replied excitedly. 'Should I just tell her that I wanted her to come and it wasn't because of my parents?', I asked myself, 'I can tell her when we get to the cinema tomorrow.' "I got tickets for us already to go at 3:00 in the afternoon. I can come to your house to go to the cinema with you since we live next to each other?".

Soo mi's POV:
I tried and tried to read his mind if he was lying about his parents telling me to come but I just couldn't. Why though? It feels like there is an invisible wall between my powers and his mind that I couldn't break. So weird. I need to ask Seo Yeon about it. I still would really like to go though. "Yeah sure 3:00 is fine. I can't wait for the movie!", I said blushing slightly I definitely like Jungkook a lot. I mean like who wouldn't?! He is a really sweet person once you get to know him; he defended me when Soo bong called me those rude comments about me at school, he even sacrificed his learning by being in a detention room for me for a whole day and even ruined his first impression of himself to the school for me does he like me back?

We went back to Jimin and Hyejin who seemed to be talking at the table about, it seemed, something serious. I was reading Jimin's mind he felt awkward and kind of sad. Why? I wanted to know why but it would be rude to keep on reading his mind; it was his private thoughts.

--- Jimin and Hyejin's convo ---

Hyejin's POV:
I wanted to desperately know if Mr. Park was actually Jimin's dad so I asked him hesitant at first but I needed to know, "Jimin? You know that time after dance ... I - I - I over heard your conversation with Mr. Park. Was it t - true?". "That he's my a - appa? Ne (yes) it is true ...", he answered not looking at me as if I would be disappointed at him or something ridiculous like that. "You don't have to be scared to tell me Jimin. If you don't mind me asking what did he tell you at home?", I told him reassuringly.

"Um ...", he said looking like he was about to cry, "My - My eomma ... she - she past away whilst I was at school my appa g - got a call from t - the hospital saying she died from an unknown way but she had wounds in her we still ... don't know how she died.", he said through sobs once he finished explaining he started to full on cry. I didn't know what to do and on top of that I was shocked and I felt bad for being nosey and trying to listen in to his conversation. But wounds ...? OMO what could have coursed her death?

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