He came to the school ... Pt.1

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Hey guys how are y'all? What do you think of RM's new second mixtape Mono? I personally love ALL the songs in the mixtape and well done to RM for producing this. I hope you enjoyed last chapter and like I said it will get happier eventually for the characters I just wanted to make the story a bit more exciting anyways on to this chapter ...

Soo mi's POV:
All I saw was black.


Hyejin's POV:
Namjoon came from the corner of the room, where he was sitting crossed legged scared of what happened, to calm me down, "It's ok Hyejin calm down. Breath in through your mouth and out through your nose.", he instructed me with his peaceful voice. I followed and slowly got better.

My eyes widened and I looked at Namjoon, "I just touched the blood. A liquid. Aren't I gonna transform?!", I asked. He whispered in my ear, 'Evaporate it with your powers quickly no one is looking except for me.' I nodded and heated away the blood on the end of my fingers.

Tae's POV: (Before Hyejin came in)
Me and my other 6 friends (called BTS) finished last period of DT, the most boring lesson ever, we all went to the old janitors closet on the top floor of school and hung out there.

We were about to leave the closest when we heard people walking around the outside of the doors we opened it and was two guys in black. We dragged them in, because they obviously weren't supposed to be in the school, and I saw it was dad and another guy whose face was covered so I couldn't tell if I knew him or not. "Hey Taehyung how are you since the last time I saw you ... like yesterday!", he started laughing like a psychopath I snarled at him in hatred and he kept speaking, "hey Jin how are you? I haven't seen you in years you've grown up a lot. Oh and what about Hyejin and her friends? I hope that girl ... Jin soo's younger sister ... I hope she keeps safe." he finished.

Jin, as a reply, threw a punch at his face in hate for whatever he did to get kicked out years ago. "She isn't just some girl her name is Soo mi and don't worry she is safe because she has a lot friends with her and there are teachers and besides your here who else could harm her?", Jungkook replied to my dad. "And Hyejin is fine why would you worry about her you left when we were young anyways. If you cared about us you would have stayed but you don't care that's why you left.", I said.

Then I started punching him and the other guys all started to do the same. My dad was lying on the floor unconscious whilst the other guy sat there expressionless. "Hey! You! Why are you at this school? What do you want? And ... who are you?", Yoongi asked furiously.

He looked up in a daze revealing his face. "What are YOU doing here?!", Yoongi shouted in shock ...

To be continued ...

Hey guys so I am back at school now and I did say maybe more updates because I was on one week holiday but I never got a chance to sorry.

But I am excited because it is nearly my 14th birthday on the 16/11 and also it's Park Hyung sik's birthday too on the same day. My brother's 13th birthday is on the 01/11 so same day as Jeongyeon's (Twice) birthday.

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter sorry for any spelling mistakes and I love you guys bye! 💖

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