Normal day at school 🤓

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Hey guys I am back at school now and we are now in Year 9! I feel like a nerd being excited about it lol anyways getting away from the subject of school and onto Kpop and this FanFic ... thank you all so so so So sO SO much for 579
READS!!!! Hehe I am so hyped xD anyways let's continue with the FanFic.

- ♥︎ -

Hyejin's POV:
It was 01:05 am and I was lying down in bed on my phone it is nearly school soon so I should probably go to sleep.

*Buzzzzz* *Buzzzzz* 7:15 am

V was shaking me trying to wake me up, "Hmmmmmm. Goooooo awayyyyyy!", he kept on shaking me, "GO AWAY!", I got up and waked him with my pillow. I heard laughter from the other window it was Jimin laughing at us. I am NOT a morning person at all so I don't care if I hurt anyone or their feelings. I gave Jimin a death stare, he obviously shut up because no one wants to mess with me when I am half asleep. Tae got up from where he was crouching over my bed and was rubbing his head. "Oh come on! It was only a PILLOW!! THATS WHY YOU DON'T DO THAT TO ME IN THE MORNINGS YOU PABO DON'T YOU REMEMBER WHEN I ALWAYS TELL YOU!", I was really angry with him why can't he just let me wake up at my own time? He walked out of my room to get ready for school.

I closed my curtains again, V opened them that was another one of his ways to get me up, I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and had a shower this time I had to sit on the floor of the shower because I didn't have the handles that Soo mi had and I didn't want to be constantly falling over. I dried myself off and got dressed into this:

I did my makeup, and this time straightened my hair

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I did my makeup, and this time straightened my hair.

I ran down the stairs and through the front door, "Bye Mum!", I called and went in the car.

Namjoon apparently wanted to walk to school today, so we drove to school without him, Jimin wasn't with us either because his dad got a car over the weekend so he will be dropped off by Mr. Park from now on.

- At School -

We go to school and met our friends we were a bit quiet from what happened yesterday, I am trying my best to erase it from my head but it isn't easy. We got into our form class for the first time, our form tutor was called Ms. Im she looked a bit small and wore a dress up to the knees and flats she also wore glasses, she assigned us our seat partners that we will be sitting with for about the whole school year.

"Ok your seat partners are ~
• Hyejin and Seo Yeon
• Soo mi and Haeun
• Rosé and Mina
Wendy you can be by yourself
• Meah and Eunha
• Jungkook and Taehyung
• Jimin and Hoseok
• Namjoon and Seok Jin
• Yoongi and Soo bong
Well that's a lot of you, you may sit at whatever seat in this classroom that you would like to sit at but you need to be with your partner. Ok I will hand out your new school ID lanyard cards and school planners for this year.", she walked over to her messy and unorganised desk and opened up two boxes. We all sat with our partners; I feel bad for Yoongi because he despises Soo bong and he hates Yoongi too. I sat at the back with Seo Yeon because we could go on our phones if we wanted to and no one would notice. Jimin and Hobi sat in front of us and next to us was Meah and Eunha I front of them was Jungkook and Taehyung, in front of Jimin and Hobi (next to JK and TH) was Soo mi and Haeun.

Ms. Im handed out our lanyard cards it took a while and she didn't know our names too well and our names were obviously on the cards. We put them in the card holder part; she then came around with our school planners and schedules we stuck in our schedule to our planners and put our names onto them.

- 10 minutes later -

The bell finally went after a BORING form time, Ms. Im just went through irrelevant notices they weren't even for the Year 10s they were for the new, annoying Year 7s. We went to the dance studio for our lesson and got dressed in the changing rooms. "Alright class now that your all here I wanted to give you a quick notice that we will be doing. There is a HUGE dance competition coming up and the people running it chose us to represent the school and they only wanted the best of the best dancers from us to compete.", Mr. Park started to explain, "We have never been involved in this before so that's why we NEED to win. If you want to come then please come to me at the end of the lesson, I already know some people who should DEFINITELY come and if they don't sign up then I will personally talk to them.", he finished explaining, "Anyways that notice has been said let's get on to the lesson we will be doing a dance boot camp to help you prepare for the competition so even if you are not going you still need to do the lessons that we have at school because some of the boot camp will be outside of school. We are going to start with some dances that the BEST dancers will be doing, then a group performance there maybe be two group dances though but this will only be for the girls the boys won't have to be separated like that because they are all good.", he said explaining our lesson objectives.

We did our stretches and practiced the dance that Mr. Park had prepared us to do. It was time to perform our dance in front of the rest of the class this dance was for the best dancers: Haeun, Soo mi, Seo Yeon, and me.

(Jennie~ Hyejin, Jisoo~ Haeun, Rosé~ Soo mi, Seo Yeon~ Lisa)

Everyone was silent with shock at what we produced and then after a few seconds of silence came claps from everyone. I looked at Jimin and he was very impressed at our performance he looked a bit different but I couldn't quite get what it was ...

To be continued...

Nothing so major is going to be different with Jimin so don't get too excited lol. Sorry for not updating in a while but I hope this was good enough for you guys (probably not xD).

Please check out my friend's FanFic that she just ended 😢 but there will be a sequel and I canNOT wait for it!!!! Her name is ENDERTRON143 please check out my favourite FanFic of her's so far : Sunken City, and her new FanFic This ARMY, they are both amAZING I am literally fangirling so hard over her account right now and I need a second .. (two minutes later (not actually xD but that is how long and even more so to calm down from her amazing account)) k calmed down fangirling now like I said stop by her account and read through her FanFics; please vote, and comment positively on them because she really puts herself down a lot and it gets me angry because she is ThE most talented person I have met in person, because I know Kpop idols such as BTS are but I have never met them in person and I probably never will, since we are in the same school 😜.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes and I hope you enjoyed the FanFic chapter and I love you guys bye 👋🏻💖!

I am on Semi - hiatus on my Twice FanFic and my YouTube channel just because I have to focus on my studies and I am sure you understand I will be as active as possible on this FanFic though and my instagram aesthetic fan account.

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