Shared a secret

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Hey guys my first chapter (introduction) has 102 reads ... oh my gosh I - don't even know how to describe this ... thank you so so much! Sorry I proof read the last chapter and it was FULL of spelling errors I think it was because I wrote it at like 1 or 2:00 in the morning.

Hyejin's POV:
Jimin started to cry I went to comfort him. He cleaned up his tears, "You look just like her", he said to me. I didn't know what to say, I looked at the dead corpse she kind of did look like me the nose, lips, and ears. I looked at her hands and one of them was shaped as a fist like she was holding something, I looked closer there was something in her hand I didn't want to open her hand in front of everyone though so I decided that everyone should start going now that we have found out how she died. As soon as everyone left I quickly opened up her hand I tried to do it as gently as possible though since she is freezing cold and could snap at anytime. She was holding a note. I didn't want to look suspicious by taking so long by reading it, so I took it and went back home with the others.

I was in my room reading through it, it said:

'To the teenage girl next door,

Sorry it may sound rude how I addressed you but I didn't know your name. Anyways getting to the point of this note, I wrote this to tell you that there is something important in the cave that the generation of mermaids before you had, and you need to wear it, it will protect you from the power of the full moon. The full moon can put a spell on you if you look at it and you will do weird things that will try to expose you. The items have small gems on them that represent your power but for you since you have 3 powers your gem will be mixed.

Reading minds (Psychic ability)- Green gem.

Jelly - Purple gem.

(your's) Heat, Water, Ice - Orange, Blue, Clear.

Water - Blue.

Ice - Clear.

It is in a chest where you got your powers you need to unlock the floor with all 5 of your girls' powers and the same to unlock the chest. Caution! You are gonna get wet so be prepared to transform. You must be wondering how I know about all of this ... let's just say I shared your secret when I was young like you with 4 of my other friends, I had the same power as you. You may want to know that Jimin's dad is a mutual he knows about you and your friends too. Jimin is not a full or half mutual though that is because he is soulmates with one of you girls I think have a feeling who it is, which ever friend of yours has the psychic ability she won't be able to read a certain boy's mind because that is her soulmate. Oh and you can't use your powers on your soulmate if you want to harm him with it you can try and try but it won't work but if he is not YOUR soulmate but one of your friends' soulmate you can harm him.

,Jimin's mum.'

I looked into Jimin's window he was not in there. Oh my! That was a LOT to sink in at one moment, despite that I followed her instructions; I texted my friends to meet at the cave. I walked there and my friends all came afterwards I explained to them everything that happened and why we are here. We all went down the cave this time not screaming since we knew we would be ok and we knew that we were going down there.

We walked to the center of the room where we first got our powers. "It said on the note that we have to use all of our powers to unlock it. I am guessing to aim it on the floor.", I said we all used our powers since I have more then one I just use my heat power since Wendy has my water powers and Rosé has my ice powers. The floor quacked we ran to each other for protection then the floor opened beneath us. We all fell in but only a few centimeters below the actual floor was water. Sea water. We all transformed the floor opened up to a huge rectangle. "I can see something shiny on the floor.", Wendy said. We all swam down their, this was all of our first times swimming whilst being mermaids together. We soon realized that we don't have to hold our breathes we breath naturally too under water. I focused my vision on the shiny object it was in fact the chest I signaled to the others to use our powers ... it opened. Inside were 5 lockets with small gems on it. That is supposed to help us from the full moon! We took them and swam back up. "So cool! We can hold our breathes for a longer time. Did she say which one's who?", Soo mi asked. "Yeah. The green gem one is yours Soo mi, the purple one is Mina's, the blue one is Wedy's, the clear one isRosé's, and the mixed one is mine.", we all handed our correct ones to each other and put them on. "They look nice!", Mina said. We struggled to get out of the water once we did I dried myself off first so I could dry everyone else off we went up those stairs to normal level of Earth.

(This is an example of how Wendy's would look like

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(This is an example of how Wendy's would look like. They all have the same design but different gem colours).

When we were walking back to our houses we saw a shifty man with a hoodie covering his face. Our lockets flashed their colours but I thought it was from the light. He looked at us because we were staring. He turned around and starting to walk towards our direction. We started to walk faster home, then soon we broke into a sprint he was running after us but we were too slow, he caught us. The next thing is I am on the floor next to the other girls. Then black ...

To be continued ...

What will happen to the girls, will they be saved?? Why were the lockets flashing?

Sorry for any spelling mistakes. I love you guys!

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