A new friend

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Listen to this song whilst reading this chapter I think it kinda suits the content of this chapter since it is to do with friendship and friends bring out the best of you!
I (j)hope ;) you enjoy 😊

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Soo mi's POV:
Since that new boy - Jungkook - came up to introduce himself to everyone I couldn't stop blushing I could feel the heat of it radiate off me and I bet you I looked like a right tomato *sigh* I really do embarrass myself sometimes - well more like all the time - once the orientation session finished it was already time to go home.

I was walking out of the room and infront I saw Hyejin since I am the biggest nerd in school I feel like everyone else is so popular even though some people call Hyejin, Rosé, Wendy, and Mina nerds too. So I thought Hyejin was really cool but genuine and I really wanted to talk to her ; it looked like she didn't want to have anything to do with me but I built up the courage to talk to her so I walked up behind her and softly tapped her shoulder she turned around and she was really nice she smiled brightly at me!

Hyejin's POV:
I felt a slight tap on my shoulder I turned around to see Soo mi I was quite shocked on the inside because I thought she didn't want to have anything to do with me but I guess we were both nerds - I shouldn't categorise anyone but it's true - so I gave her a big, bright, warm smile.

She looked a bit taken a back when I turned around to respond to her. " Hello Soo mi ! How are you? Is everything ok?" I bombarded her with questions. She chuckled at my slightly alarmed response but she still answered. " Hi Hyejin! *grins* I am great! How are you? I am fine don't worry!"

*phew!* " Oh sorry *sheepishly grins* I am ok" I replied kind of embarrassed with my 'over reactive' personality. " I am kinda lonely at school and found you and your three lovely friends interesting and someone nice to talk to ..... I was wondering if we could start hanging around with each other or possibly be friends?" She said nervously.

What?! She wants me to be friends?! yesssss!! " You wanna be f-friends!?! Of course! You don't need to ask I always wanted to talk to you but never got a chance since I was quite shy." I said quietly but loud enough for the people around me to hear.

Wendy's POV:
That wasn't the actual reason why she didn't speak to Soo mi earlier I am gonna have to intervene. "No that wasn't the actual reason Soo mi it is just because Hyejin is anti social!" I said earning a glare from Hyejin. "And Hello Soo mi as you already know I am Im Seung Wan but you can just call me Wendy! Nice to meet you."

Mina's POV:
My turn to humiliate Hyejin some more infront of our new friend. "Yeah Hyejin doesn't even talk to us half the time!" I said getting a death stare from Hyejin. This girl *mentally face palming myself* . "Hey Soo mi my name is Lee Mina, nice to meet you!"

Rosé's POV:
"Hahahahahahah!" Me and Soo mi just couldn't stop giggling at three girls' silliness! But since it was rude not to I decided to introduce myself. I calmed myself and started, "Hey Soo mi nice to meet you! As you already know my name is Park Chaeyoung but can just call me Rosé!"

Hyejin's POV:
Our conversation was cut short when we heard a car beep we all turned around abruptly and in time with the horn. In the distance I could see Jin waiting expectantly for me to come so we all said our goodbyes and I jumped in to the front passenger seat with jin (our car was a seven seater so it fit a few people in it).

I turned around to look at the middle row behind me to greet V and Namjoon when I saw Jimin sitting next to V 'What is he doing here?!' I thought, I didn't say anything but, as if Jin had bean reading my mind, he answered my mental thought. "Yes Jimin is here, he is our new next door neighbour, and, since we are newly friends I thought it would be polite if me to give him a ride home." I didn't say anything I just sat up straight and looked forward this is gonna be a LONG ride home.

Jimin's POV:
'Hello Hyejin nice to meet you too, I am doing fine how about yourself *sarcastically* ugh girls'.

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- 5 minutes later -

Hyejin's POV:
UGH that car ride couldn't have been more awkward. We reached home and I was about to open the door - little do I know that what would be said next will totally change my mood. "Hey Jimin do you wanna come over and play overwatch with me, Namjoon, and V !?" Jin said excitedly .....

To be continued...

So sorry if you guys found this chapter long and tiring but I just wanted to push over to the next important part where the story has a total change and will have a BIG change to the 5 main girls!

Thank you for reading up till now and like I said votes, comments, and reads will be highly appreciated especially since this my first fan fic. XOXO

Sorry again if there are any spelling mistakes.

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