The beginning

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SWIPE ----->
BTW listen to the song whilst reading this chapter i like it cause it is calming. Enjoy 😊

Hyejin's POV:

It is orientation day at my high school since I am starting a new academic year.
I was at the school entrance with Wendy waiting for my friends Rosé and Mina. I was a bit nervous since it was our first day back. Jin drove me, V, and Namjoon to school ; they were already inside with Yoongi, and Hoseok.

Mina and Rosé finally turned up and we were inside the orientation room and the headmaster came up to the front of the room to give an announcement, " Good morning students congratulations for getting through to a new grade

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Mina and Rosé finally turned up and we were inside the orientation room and the headmaster came up to the front of the room to give an announcement, " Good morning students congratulations for getting through to a new grade. We have two new students today can you please make them welcome. And again congrats on the beginning of a new grade! (to the new students) please come up and introduce yourselfs."

The first boy came up on to the stage all the cool girls were looking at him up and down continuously and started commenting about him to there friends. To be honest he was quite hot jet black hair, plump red lips, a jawbone that was so sharp it could cut someone, brown eyes that you could see into for miles. I started to blush a lot - so much that I could feel my cheeks burn - when his gaze turned to me and stayed on me.

He began to speak ,we kept eye contact,
" Hello everyone my name is Park Jimin, I have moved from Busan to come here to Seoul to study more." He stopped looking at me and looked at my brothers, cousin, and their friends, "I hope we can all be friends!" He finished I was kind of sad about that because his voice was so soft and calming.

Once the first new boy - Jimin - went to sit back down, then came up the second new boy he was VERY good looking (but Jimin seemed to catch my attention more) all the girls did the same looked him up and down continuously and started to comment about him to their friends *sigh* just get over themselves!

He also had black hair ( a bit more in a mushroom style though), plump red lips, and dark brown eyes, bunny teeth smile, and looks really cute but a little bit like a playboy (which like sums up most of the boys in my school 😂).

He started speaking in a bit more serious tone and was not looking at anyone in particular except for this one girl - I don't really talk to her much bit she seems interesting and I want to start a conversation with her one day, she seems nice I think her name is Soomi? Yeah! - " Hello my name is Jungkook, but you can call me Kookie! I am here for the same reason as Jimin I am also from Busan and moved to Seoul to study harder I hope we can all be friends!" Awwww he was so cute!
- ♥︎-
The orientation was finished and it took SO long that it was already the end of the day so I was about to leave when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder I turned around to see ...

To be continued...

Thank you so much on the feedback I love you guys so so much and plz don't be a silent reader and vote, comment feedback !!!!

Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.

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