The Vision

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Hey guys listen to the song please I know it isn't BTS. Don't be disappointed with that but I really like this song cause I saw it in a BTS edit. Ok without further or do let's get to the story-

Namjoon's POV:
I fell asleep off to dream land ...

Ahhh!!! Huh!!!

"APPA (dad)!" I shouted in fear what the hell were they doing in my dream?! "Ne (yes) what is wrong Namjoon?!!" My appa said with an obvious panicky tone in his voice like he experienced the same thing as me. Next thing I heard was thumping on the floor and my appa racing through my door way. "A - appa why was Hyejin and her friends in my dream?" I said still a bit shook (JUNGSHOOK !! ;) 😂).

"Namjoon there has something I need to tell you, and you SWEAR with your most loved thing ever you won't tell anyone else except for your friend Yoongi. Ok?" He said. "Ok ... what is it? And why only Yoongi?" I said getting more curious by the minute.

"First of all what did you see in the 'dream'?". "I saw Hyejin and her friends Wendy, Mina, Soo mi, and Rosé. Here are a picture of all of them." I showed my appa the picture even though he obviously knows how Hyejin looks like but he doesn't know how the other girls look like:

" I showed my appa the picture even though he obviously knows how Hyejin looks like but he doesn't know how the other girls look like:

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"Mina, Rosé, Wendy, and Soo mi. I saw them and Hyejin with these sort of super hero - like powers and they had mermaid tales!?" I said a bit weirded out. "That is the same dream I had! But Namjoon it is not a dream you had it was a v - v - vision ... Namjoon you are a mutual."

"What the hell is a mutual?!" I said getting quite frustrated at this stage and at my dad's mysteriousness, "Just tell me appa!"

"Ok ok a mutual is when you are a person who can have visions of the next generation of mermaids, you get that gift from my side of the family. So when Hyejin and her friends turn 21 they should be no longer be a mermaid ever again it is because of the cave that they went into whilst they were out after school on your first day back. You probably didn't have that part of the vision since your eomma's (mum's) family are non - mutual they don't have visions and don't know about mermaids so don't tell anyone who are non - mutuals. You will get an aura from them on who they are but majority of people are non - mutuals. I mentioned Yoongi because he is also like you - a mutual - he is a full mutual as for you, you are half. Talk to Yoongi about it since this is your first vision you may need someone close to your age to talk to but remember you can always talk to me about it too," He said kind of out of breath from that long lecture.

"Ok cool thanks for that I think I got it now. I will text Yoongi." I said to my dad in a reassuring tone.

Namjoon's and Yoongi's text conversation:

Namjoon's and Yoongi's text conversation:

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To be continued

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To be continued ...

Sorry not much of a cliffhanger but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. All love will be highly appreciated.

And sorry for any spelling mistakes bye 👋🏻

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