Trying to tell mum

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Hey guys I am gonna hopefully upload my yt video today 🤞🏻. 2 more days till school 😭 but I am excited for one thing and that is to see my friends again and talk about the BTS LY: Answer comeback!

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Hyejin's POV:
I had one thing to call him and that was the title I gave him the whole time I knew him, "Appa ...", I said crying on Tae's shoulder. "Come on Hyejin we need to go we can discuss it after we get out of here.", he said to me with a comforting tone. He helped me up; we all had to walk home because Jin took Jin soo to the hospital in the car. I walked up to Soo mi she was really upset about what happened with Jin soo, "Hey ... Soo mi don't cry he is going to be fine. He is at the hospital and they are going to take good care of him. Jin soo wouldn't want to see you like this you have to be strong for him. Ok?", I hugged her tight, "We can see him in the hospital tomorrow after school together if you like or we can go today it is getting late though?", I suggested.

"We can go tomorrow, but how will I tell my parents that my brother got shot by your dad because he saved my boyfriend and now he is in hospital? That is gonna make them more upset than they already are.", she asked me. "I can come with you if you like to help explain I feel really bad that my dad did that I am so sorry.", I told her. We were getting closer to our road so I told V that I had to go home with Soo mi first and then I will be home soon. Soo mi explained everything to her parents they were so happy to see that she was home but really upset about Jin soo they told her to get some rest since it was school tomorrow and they left to go to the hospital so they could see how Jin soo was doing and so Jin could go home. I said my good byes to Soo mi and her parents and went back home.

I walked through my house door; before I could do anything else my mum came running to hug me, "HYEJIN! I am so glad you are home! Are you hurt?! I will make you some ramen to eat and you can talk about it to me if you like.", she was so happy to see me, I was happy too but I have to tell her about me seeing my dad.

Only some of my friends know what happened. I will explain to you very briefly ~ When I was 4, V was 5, and Jin was 6 we lived happily with my mum and dad but one day my mum found out my dad did something that broke their marriage completely so he left after endless fights and arguments. When it was my 5th birthday the divorce papers came in. My dad wanted us to visit him every so often but my mother refused us to go we never saw him again but I remembered his face clearly. My mother never told us what he did though.

I sat on the kitchen island waiting for the ramen that my mum was preparing, "Eomma (mum). I saw someone when we got kidnapped ... actually that person that I saw was our kidnapper ...", I didn't know how to tell her my mum never really talked about dad and if the subject of him was bought up she started talking about something else. "Yes Hyejin Who was it?", she asked casually she obviously isn't going to like what I say now. "It w - was a - ", I got cut off by my mum calling down Tae for food and Jin since he just came through the door. "Yes sorry Hyejin what were you gonna say?",she said apologetically. "Oh nothing can I tell you later?", I asked annoyed that my mum won't listen properly after she said she was going to listen to me.

I finished my food and went to my room. Jin and Tae came in and sat on the end of my bed. "Tell Jin Hyung who we saw.", Tae commanded me. I looked at Jin with sadness he knew more about dad out of all of us since he was 6 when dad left and 7 when they got divorced he was the closest to my dad as well. "We s - saw a - appa ...", I told him with tears brimming my eyes ready to come out like a waterfall over my cheeks. I am always emotional about the subject of our dad I think it was that I was quite young when it happened and didn't know much about dad. V didn't really care much about dad we all hated him for leaving and doing whatever he did.

Jin sat still and was looking into space not saying anything. "He was our kidnapper. I kicked him in the back and punched him in the nose. I am so sorry that it was him we all knew how close you were to him Jin.", I just came out with different things to say. He looked up and smiled satisfied, "Well done Hyejin your classes paid off.", he congratulated me, "I don't think we should tell eomma yet though.", he told us. He was right.

It was 01:05 am and I was lying down in bed on my phone it is nearly school soon so I should probably go to sleep ...

To be continued ...

Thank you guys for 518 reads! You seriously don't know how much I appreciate the fact that people actually read my FanFic is so cool!

Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Love you guys bye! 💖

I was going to upload my yt video today but it took forever so I am gonna do it tomorrow.

Happy birthday to Joy hope you had a great time turning 22!

Here is another edit for her birthday I am not as proud of it though 😭:

Here is another edit for her birthday I am not as proud of it though 😭:

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