Feeling normal

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Listen to the song, this is my favourite from seventeen so far and I haven't yet listened to their comeback. I hope you enjoy the chapter!
- ♥︎ -

Hyejin's POV:
We got out of the hideout and ran down the two flights of stairs and went to our Dance lesson in the studio.

Hyejin's POV: We got out of the hideout and ran down the two flights of stairs and went to our Dance lesson in the studio

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Once we got there our teacher, Mr. Park, was letting everyone in to the new dance studio (not the abandoned one it is MINE and MY FRIENDS' place. They built a new one now since the abandoned one didn't have the correct facilities to match the new school curriculum's standards).

"Ok class I know I just let you in to the studio but none of you have your dance clothes. So go and get them from your locker's NOW and if you keep on forgetting them then you are going to have to keep on doing this as an EXTRA warm up. I know I must be a mean and strict teacher in your guys' minds but I am only doing this so you can get better at dance.", He said bluntly. The whole class trudged out of the studio to go to their lockers. "So much for a first impression.", Haeun said going to her locker next to mine. I got my dance clothes and went back fast to the studio and got changed in the girls changing rooms.

"Ok class you may choose a group of 5, 6, or 7 people in your group and you can choose. Tell me your group members once you have picked.", Mr. Park said he is probably starting to like us. The groups were chosen. "Right, Group 1: Hyejin, Soo mi, Mina, Rosé, and Wendy. Group 2: Jin, Suga, Hobi, RM, Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook. And since Haeun and Seo Yeon don't have a group you two can deal with the music.", He said calmly. A lot of teachers call us by our nicknames, "Alright class listen up I want you to do some of your own stretches and you will be doing this every dance lesson so make sure you don't forget them. When you are finished stretches practice your dance, you have 15 mins to practice and then you perform them.", Mr. Park said. I felt sorry for Haeun and Seo Yeon but they seemed chilled to be doing the music so I did my stretches.

---15 minutes later---

"*panting* oh - my - gosh *panting* I must be so unfit I am already tired." I said out of breath. "Ok class group 1 is gonna perform now. So that is Soo mi's group.", Mr. Park ushered us to the front of the room, "Get ready to perform!", He shouted unnecessarily readying himself to assess us.

"Here you go Haeun unnie and Seo Yeon unnie here is the CD that we made. You can play this. Khamsambnida!", I said getting ready for the dance.

(Hyejin = Irene, Soo mi = Seulgi, Wendy = Wendy xD, Rosé = Joy, and Mina = Yeri)

Soo mi's POV:
As soon as Mr. Park called my name as our group I saw Jungkook in the corner of my eye turn to look at me. I turned my head and our eyes made contact and it stayed that way until Mr. Park shouted "Get ready to perform!". Ugh why do teachers have to ruin everything.

- ♥︎ -

Jungkook's POV:
Woah they were good. Really good and they sang beautifully to it as well Soo mi in my opinion was the best she danced smoothly with no faults and sang perfectly with no crack in her voice. No wonder why they all got chosen from the teachers to do dance as a subject even though they didn't want to do it - Hoseok told me.

Jimin's POV:
Awwww Hyejin looked so cute with her Mickey Mouse sweater on! I can now use it to tease her haha! But seriously Hoseok wasn't lying when he said they were good they are better than good especially Hyejin and I have to admit Soo mi too. Hyejin does have a beautiful voice, she lied when she said she could sort of sing and dance.

Soo mi's POV:
It was 'BTS's' turn to perform.

Everyone was left gobsmacked at their level of talent and their amazing skills at singing. They moved in time with the beat, iscolated their bodies perfectly, and their voices sounded like silk, it was flawless. They were flawless. What I noticed the most is that Jungkook always would look at me and me only ; he would still sing and dance at the same time. I finally felt normal after a few days of feeling alien - like with this mermaid stuff, I finally feel normal but I know it won't last forever it will go soon, and, soon I will feel like an alien all over again when me and Jungkook make eye contact he makes me feel normal and I can sense that the others feel the same too Hyejin making eye contact with Jimin and overall talking to him. Rosé unnie, Wendy unnie to my knowledge don't like anyone like me and Hyejin like Jungkook and Jimin. I know Mina unnie likes Tae Tae hyung but I don't think the feeling is mutual (no offence Mina unnie but I think I am telling the truth).

Hyejin's POV:
The lesson was over we got changed into our normal clothes. I was gonna put my dance clothes away to go to lunch when I heard Mr. Park call Jimin to speak to him. I was curious as to what he would say so I listened at the best of my ability through door. "Jimin please come here I need to talk to you.", Mr. Park said. "Yes appa.", Jimin said ...

To be continued ...

Ooooohhhh what will Mr. Park (Jimin's dad) say to him??
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please vote, and comment khamsambnida! (thank you!) for reading and showing love.

Love you all and sorry for any spelling mistakes.

P.S before I go I wanted to ask do any of my lovely, and supportive readers actually read my A/Ns xD

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