Learning to keep the secret

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Please listen to this song guys I think it goes well with the chapter . Enjoy 😉

- ♥︎-

*Buzzzzz* *Buzzzzz* 7:15 am

Author's POV:
Hyejin's alarm goes off. She wakes up and lazily gets out of bed. She brushes her teeth, - The water was trickling down her hand she started to feel hot, then cold, and wet as if she were drenched by rain. She dries her hands and as if like magic all her symptoms went away like nothing ever happened she didn't think of it much though - Hyejin then had a shower. Instead of having the same symptoms she felt her legs went all funny and numb. "Wahhh!", she screamed. BAM! She was on the floor. "Awwgghh! That hurt my back!". She looked forward and her eyes widened 👀 in shock. "Oh my gosh... My legs..." she quickly dragged herself out of the shower, grabbed her towel, and dried herself off.

There she was standing up just fine AGAIN like nothing ever happened she was too shocked to do anything but she had to go to school. So she did her makeup very lightly, curled her hair (the ends and brushed some of the curls out so they were looser), and got dressed:

 So she did her makeup very lightly, curled her hair (the ends and brushed some of the curls out so they were looser), and got dressed:

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A/N (DISCLAIMER): THIS IS NOT HOW HYEJIN LOOKS LIKE THIS IS JUST WHAT HER MAKEUP IS LIKE. (She is the only one that wears makeup out of her friends because she is self conscious without it).

- At Soo mi's house -
'I can't believe Jungkook lives next to me! eeehhhhh!! *screaming*' Soo mi thought whilst she cheerfully got out of bed on the sunny- winter day. She went to have a shower. As soon as the water touched her, she started feeling dizzy like she was going to faint at any minute she carefully finished and tried her best to get out since her vision was very blurry, before she could dry herself off she fell to the ground and not because of her dizziness but because of something else. She looked at her no - longer - there legs and was about to faint from astonishment but she couldn't she had to get to school. She proceeded with drying herself and she got back up on her feet AGAIN like nothing ever happened. She brushed her teeth trying not to touch the water she didn't exactly know why though.
And got dressed:

Hyejin's POV: I rushed down stairs - of course I am still shocked but I have to act fine in front of my brothers otherwise they will worry - with my school bag (which was basically empty since it was only the second day back), I grabbed my toast, ...

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Hyejin's POV:
I rushed down stairs - of course I am still shocked but I have to act fine in front of my brothers otherwise they will worry - with my school bag (which was basically empty since it was only the second day back), I grabbed my toast, took a bite, and put it back on the plate. I then took a sip of my orange juice, and put on my white and black striped Adidas trainers and tied them up.

I got into the passenger seat of the car next to Jin (who was of course driving). Then Jimin got into the car *sigh* I wish I could be nice to him it's just that I am a mess in front of boys even though I have brothers (This is true in real life all though I have one younger brother). "Annyeong Hyungs!", I said trying to be happy. Jimin looked confused, Tae saw this and explained whilst Jin was driving to Namjoon's house, "We get embarrassed if she calls us 'oppa' so we tell her to call us 'hyung' so she is used to calling boys 'hyungs' so just get used to it.". "Ahhhh araso (I get it) don't worry Hyejin you can call me oppa if you feel comfortable?" Jimin suggested. "You are so bipolar Jimin HYUNG." V and Jin grimaced at Jimin. I was kind of amazed with Jimin's attitude change. "I know right!? Being bipolar is my thing. Fine then don't call me oppa, up to you. Since we are in the same classes for everything, except for DT, shame. Could you show me around?" He said with complete confidence that I would say 'yes' but I guess Jin would be mad if I said 'no'. "Ummm ... well ... ugh fine. But can we be civil with each other just this once? Pinky promise?" I said hopefully and kinda defeated. "Fine just this once." He said with a happy tone in his voice. And we pinky promised I started blushing when I our fingers touched but I quickly realeased it and turned around quickly.

We reached Namjoon's house, he jumped in the car, I greeted him and we were off. Even though Namjoon was 5 minutes away from school he still wanted Jin to drive him because he couldn't be botheredto walk to school.

- Arrived at school -
We reached school and I met my friends. They all looked pretty worried - I thought it was from yesterday still - but to be honest I felt a bit worried too what if they don't believe me?

As soon as I got closer to them, they pulled me away to the abandoned music/ dance room. They told me about what happened this morning:
- Soo mi had dizziness.
- Rosé was feeling really cold.
- Wendy was feeling drenched.
- Mina was feeling all jelly - like and she couldn't keep her balance.

But all these things happened when they touched water and the same thing for when they got their mermaid tails!
(Keep this on mind!)

"No way!? I thought I was the only one who had this, but instead I had the same as Rosé's and Wendy's and another one. I felt hot, then cold, and then drenched." . "Then the other one I grew ... a ... a tail, but not just any other tail. It looked like a ... mermaid tale! But it can't be!"

"Same I did too!" The others said in unison. "Ok ... if this is a permanent thing we are gonna have to learn to keep it a secret from our parents, from others, and most importantly our siblings they have the biggest mouth!" Mina said seriously.

Then Rosé asked, "Does that mean we are mermaids now?!" . "Yes, yes we are." Mina replied.

To be continued...

Ooooohhhh excited for the next chapter now?! Comment below if you liked and don't forget to vote, and comment what you think will happen. What kind of scenarios are they gonna go through!

Sorry for spelling mistakes and I hope you enjoyed!

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