Finding them ...

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Hey guys thank you so much for all your support on my other book! And thank you so so much for 456 reads.

Jimin's POV:
I was downstairs watching TV with my dad I decided we should spend some father and son time together because we haven't done that since eomma (mum) died. Once we finished watching TV we went upstairs to our separate rooms. I looked through my window hoping that Hyejin was there ... she wasn't in her room. At this time (18:00pm / 6:00pm) she should be sitting or lying on her bed. No I am not a stalker I just noticed a pattern.

I brushed it off I am probably being paranoid. But something just didn't feel right that she wasn't home it has been 30mins since I looked through to her room. I am starting to get worried now, I looked through my other window that faces out on to the road and saw a shifty looking man but I couldn't see his face through his hood. Then I saw him walking past the girls they were staring at each other. The girls must have felt that something wasn't quite right with him either because they started picking up their pace he started walking towards them, they started to run but they weren't quick enough! "Come on! Hyejin, Soo mi, Wendy, Rosé, Mina! Come on run faster!", I shouted tears started running down my face I knew they wouldn't make it but I had to think positively. "Come on! Come o-", I got cut off when I saw they got caught by him, he pushed them to the concrete pavement and knocked them out by punching them Hyejin first, then Mina, Wendy, Rosé, then last Soo mi. And took them one by one in this black van driving off the road we would take to school.

"No!!", I started crying my appa (dad) heard me and came running to my room, "What's wrong Jimin?!". "He took the girls : Mina, Wendy, Rosé, Soo mi, and Hyejin!". "Who did?!", my appa said panicked. "I don't know I couldn't see his face he had a hood on. But I saw his black van's number plate and he took the road that we take to get to school.", I told my appa what I knew.

He called the police and told them what happened and what I saw they said it wasn't much to go off of so they couldn't help. That's ridiculous something wasn't right about that call either but we have to focus on the girls. "Sorry Jimin there is nothing much we can do now I am truly worried for the girls. Maybe we could tell their parents and they could sort it out but I don't wanna get involved in business like this.", he said, "What?! What the hell appa they are your dance students and neighbours you can't just say that!", I shouted at him I have never given my dad disrespect like that before but it doesn't matter right now this is serious and he doesn't care, "You know what? If your not gonna help them then the boys, Jin soo, and I will and I am sure they will care more than you! I can't believe you!", I left my room with my quick runaway bag. I have other bags like this : a suitcase of stuff if I want to leave forever, a big backpack if I wanted to runaway for a bit, or a small backpack (the one I am taking now) if I ran away quickly.

I ran out of my house. With my phone and keys
stuffed into my small backpack. I went to Hyejin's house first since it was more closer to get to Jin, Tae, and Jin's car. I knocked on the door and Hyejin's eomma opened up, "What's wrong Jimin you look angry and upset?", she asked. She let me in and I explained what happened; she was really panicky and full of emotions she didn't know what to say I tried to calm her down but it wasn't working, "It's fine Miss. Kim we are going to get her back that is why I came here to get your sons so we can go and find them.".

"O - ok. Go and get her back for me.", she said between sobs. I told Jin and Tae; they were really angry with what happened and wanted to get her back. Jin and Tae got in the car waiting for the others whilst I knocked on Soo mi's house door to get Jin soo, her family were so upset and were crying so much, "Don't cry Mr. and Mrs. Lee we will get her back with Jin soo's help.", I told them trying to calm them down I feel bad for leaving them but that is the only way we will get them back. I got Jin soo and left, he got in the car with Jin and Tae. Next was Jungkook I explained everything to him and we all got in the car he seemed really angry and worried with what happened. We drove to Namjoon's street.

Whilst Jin was finding a place to park I got out and got Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok I explained everything, We were all in the car. Because Jin's car is a 7 seater and there are 8 of us we had to squeeze. I sat on the passenger seat, Jin on the driver's seat, Tae sat behind Jin, Jin soo sat in the middle, Namjoon sat behind me, Yoongi sat behind Tae, Jungkook sat behind Namjoon, and Hoseok sat in the middle of Jungkook and Yoongi. I directed them to where I saw them drive off too we arrived at this big, bottle green coloured, abandoned warehouse. The same car was there I got out of the car and saw that the number plate matched with the one I saw took the girls. I hope you are here girls...

Hyejin's POV:
I woke up in this dark room tied to a chair with tape over my mouth. I tried to look around to see my surroundings my friends were her too *phew* they were all awake. We saw this man coming towards us with a knife in hand. "Hello girls. I was always waiting for this day to come that I would finally get to capture a generation of mermaids. Yes, I am a mutual but some people think I use my gift badly. I don't think so.", he said with a muffled voice it seemed eerily familiar. We were trying to scream for help but it was muffled with the tape. We heard a car pull up outside and people walking towards the place we were in.

We all, even the man, turned straight to where we heard the noises from a ray of hope was shown on our faces. We heard them trying to forcefully open the entrance. "Who did you send to get you! Well they will be killed just like how I killed Park Ahin.". My eyes widened was that Jimin's Mum?!

He went to the entrance but before he opened the door he grabbed a pistol in his hand and opened the door. "Hello boys. You made a big mistake coming here. I wasn't going to kill them only experiment on their supernatural gifts but because you interrupted I am going to have to kill you. Shame I wasn't in the mood to kill someone or people today ... so you will get it worse for ruining my mood! Anyone know who Park Ahin is?", Jimin's eyes went wide it must have been his mum's name, "well I am going to kill you like I killed her ... with this ...", he said in his muffled voice Jin and Tae recognised it too I am not the only one. He aimed his gun at Jungkook, we all tried to scream and get out to stop him from shooting but when we heard the gunshot we froze on one spot, he didn't hesitate to pull the trigger ...

To be continued ...

What will happen to Jungkook?! Or will someone else help him and suffer? I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and I am writing my chapter on my Twice 10th member fan fic if you haven't read it yet please do and I hope you like that chapter too.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes and I love you guys so much! 💖

I will be making a new YouTube video soon! ☺️

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