Am I falling for her?

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Listen to the song please guys ☺️
Hey guys sorry it has been a while it was school 🙄 but it is the weekend now so hopefully more updates?? 🧐 Hope you enjoy this chapter and let's get to the story shall we? 💖

- ♥︎-

Jimin's POV:
Me, Jungkook and our new friends were all talking outside our lockers - me and Jungkook used to be on speaking terms back in Busan. I arranged with the headmaster (Mr. Kim) for Hyejin to show me around the school so we were aloud to miss out on one lesson only.

* Bell goes *

" Bye guys. I have to find Hyejin ..." I said walking towards this abandoned place. I went in, it looked like a dance studio with a spot to record music. I then turned my gaze to 5 familiar, but expressionless girls. One of which I recognised well: Hyejin ^ ^.

I walked towards them and asked, "Hey, are you girls ok?". They all looked up at me (and some down since I am quite short 😅) and just gave a nod. "Ok ... the bell has gone you four better get to class now. As for you Hyejin what do you wanna show me first!?"

Hyejin's POV:
Before they left Mina turned around seriously and gave me a warning face. Warning me about what though? I wonder. They then walked out leaving me to my doom.

Jimin's POV:
She looked at me nervously. Ddaeng (see what I did there??? 😏) why dose she get my heart all the time? Wait, what?! I am supposed to be 'the troublemaker', why is she making it so hard? "Um ... well ... first of all this is the abandoned dance/ music recording studio. I always used to come here to let myself free from my anxiety." She said with her beautiful voice. "But are you ok now?" I said kinda worried.

She started to slowly cry, tears rolling down her chubby cheeks, still not smudging her makeup, it was flawless. "Mmmhm, let's move on to the rest of the school." . "So you can dance ... and sing?!" I asked curious to know more about her. "Sorta." Am I falling her?

- An hour later -

*Bell has gone* The rest of the tour was silent the talking was from Hyejin telling me what each room was.

"Let's go back to class now since it is second lesson." I said. "Ok".

- Science class over -

"Ok before I dismiss you class you have a group project for this semester, groups will be in 2s and NO before you ask YOU will NOT be choosing the groups I will:
- Jimin and Hyejin.
- Soo mi and Jungkook.
- Seo yeon and Tae Tae.
- Haeun and Jin.
- Rosé and Suga.
- Mina and Hobi.
- Wendy and RM.
your project is to do a presentation on any body system you would like to do." Miss. Jung said, we never had her in year 9 but now in year 10 we do.

Seo yeon (she is a mutual) becomes friends with the girls further on in the story

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Seo yeon (she is a mutual) becomes friends with the girls further on in the story. She doesn't really like Tae but little does she know he has feelings for her. She is a day younger than Mina.

 She is a day younger than Mina

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Haeun is a non mutual. She is 18 years old (11 days younger than Seo Yeon). Later on she becomes friends with the girls as well.

Namjoon's POV:

- Back at Namjoon's house -

"Jal ja (goodnight) everyone!" I shouted. "Jal ja Namjoon!" My parent's replied.

I fell asleep off to dream land ...

Ahhh!!! Huh!!!

To be continued ...

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed and I also hoped you thought it wasn't too long for you. Was it worth the wait??? What do you think woke up Namjoon? Why did you think Hyejin was crying?

Thank you for reading and sorry for any spelling mistakes 💖

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