Thank yous!

41 6 0

Swipe ------>
Sorry guys the song is a bit cringey to this topic but it matches!

Edit (16/07/2018):
Thank you, all of you for 240 reads!!!!!! I love you all so much I can't even describe it with words! 💖

Edit (21/07/2018):
Thank you soooooo much I love you soooo much! I have 306 reads in 5 DAYS LESS THAN A WEEK THAT IS CRAZY THANK YOU!

Edit (12/08/2018):
Thank you so so so so so much for 403 reads!!!! I can't even start to explain how much this means to me.

Edit (03/09/2018):
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 508 READS!!!!!!! I love you guys seriously 😘💕❤️.

Edit (06/09/2018):
Agggghhhhhhhhhhhwwwww uwu OMG I have 540 READS THANK YOU - I LOVE YOU ALLLLLL. Omg I just realised my last update was 3 days ago that's so cool!!!!

Edit (16/09/2018):
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh omg I was literally about to do my homework when I wanted to check wattpad I went on my account and I saw that I had gotten 614 READS I was so so so happy that I was screaming to my brother about it he just said "cool" LMAO 😂! But thank you so much love you guys 😘.

Edit (23/10/2018):
Oh my ... thank you SO much for 647 reads! Like last month I last updated this 'chapter' and I had 614 reads and now I have 647?! Oh my gosh I am so so happy thank you for taking out the time to read my FanFic even though it isn't great and it is my first FanFic on wattpad.

Edit (03/11/2018):
Thank you so muchhhhhh for 681 READS! I love you all so much for supporting me with these chapters I am gonna try to end this FanFic soon so I can finish my Twice 10th member FanFic if you haven't read that already then please read it, I think there are only 3 chapters but I am on SEMI - HIATUS until I have finished this FanFic. 💖

Edit (15/11/2018):
Thank you all so much for 715 reads I am truly grateful and I hope you enjoy my Fan Fic and keep on showing support!

Edit (16/01/2019): The End
Thank you for supporting me on my journey of my first FanFic and thank you for making me end it with 8O8 reads and 123 votes! Love you all 💖

The troublemaker who stole my heart | A BTS FanFic [✔️] Where stories live. Discover now