Almost been exposed

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This playlist doesn't go with the theme of this chapter but this chapter has got some red velvet moments (maybe like one! 😂 but oh well).
Hey guys I didn't update yesterday or the day before because I wanted to have the day before yesterday to plan my story and publish yesterday as my schedule but I didn't plan ANYTHING and wrote a little bit yesterday!

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Hyejin's POV:
"Jimin please come here I need to talk to you.", Mr. Park said. "Yes appa.", Jimin said.

"Appa?! What the actual hell is going on! appa?!", I said frustrated with my cluelessness. Why I didn't I think of that as a slight clue?! Mr. Park and Park Jimin. I probably didn't get it before because our head master is called Mr. Kim and mine and my brothers name is Kim too and same with Hoseok and Miss. Jung.

Anyways carrying on with what they were saying, but it felt like what he said wasn't exactly what I expected him to say it was like he knew I was listening and didn't wanna say what he wanted to say, "Um ...", Mr. Park looked out the small window in the door, "Well ... you did good for dance today but stop getting distracted with the other dancers like the girls in group 1 and your team mates. Ok?", He said nicely to Jimin. "Ok appa I will try. Are you sure that is all you wanted to say?", Jimin said, I guess he got the same vibe from the situation. "When we get ho- ", Mr. Park said he got cut off from my hearing because he said it so quietly.

---- In the canteen ---

---- In the canteen ---

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The canteen ^

I had put my dance clothes in my locker already and bought myself a chicken and mayonnaise baguette (it wasn't big just enough to fill me up) and a bottle of water (to re pay Namjoon after testing our powers on his bottle) and a carton of mango juice. I am now currently trying to find my friend's table. "HYEJIN!, HYEJIN!", I hear a familiar voice call my name. I turned around to a table. It was Rosé and Soo mi. I walked over to the white table and smiled, I placed my baguette (it was in a plastic wrapper, I know my school so eco friendly even though they tell us to be) on the table and the same with my two drinks. I got one leg on the other side of the bench and was about to do the same with my other leg to sit down when the whole of BTS sat with us (but all in intervals same with our group we were still waiting for Mina and Wendy).

(The placement of everyone)
Jungkook Taehyung Rosé
Soo mi Hyejin Yoongi

(Carrying on next to Jungkook)
Namjoon Jin Hoseok

Wendy then came over finally and sat in front of Namjoon. Mina came over and sat in front Hoseok. We all went quiet and everyone in the canteen stared at us.

"Ugh why do they have to look at us?!", I said angry with them not remembering their manners I stood up and said, "Oi! All of you mind your own business they can and we can sit with whoever we want! And I would like it if we could do that without people staring at us and getting stuff to gossip on- !", I got pulled back to sit down by Jin who came over from his seat and pushed me down. "Watch your temper dongsaeng (little sibling) don't shout and waste your time and voice on them. But I don't think they were looking at us because of that I think they were looking at worldwide handsome!", He said jokingly and started to laugh his windshield whipper laugh again.

The troublemaker who stole my heart | A BTS FanFic [✔️] Where stories live. Discover now