Jin soo ?!

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Hey guys I am on half term for a week now so maybe more updates? And I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Jimin's POV:
"I was wondering if we could do that tomorrow?", I asked her nervous for her reply.

"Not like a date right?... just as friends?...", she asked blushing with her question. "Oh NO! Not like a date I just wanted to get to know you better and be more friendly with each other...", I trailed off wishing it could have been a date but it would have been too sudden. I really like her though what is she doing to me? Why am I suddenly soft and not my normal self when I am around her? Am I growing feelings for her?

- Time Skip: to lunchtime -

Jungkook's POV:
We had finished our morning lessons : Dance, Maths, and Religious studies. I wasn't hungry today so I didn't make myself lunch at home or get any at school; I saw Soo mi about to finish her food in the canteen, I wanted to talk to her since we are going out and haven't really had a proper time to talk together, so I walked up to her seat and sat in front of her.

"Hey Soo mi! I was wondering because we are going out and all I was wondering would you like to -", I got cut off by Soo mi excitedly, "go on a date?... YES! Wait if that was what you were gonna ask then yes.", she chuckled cutely at her self, I looked at her mesmerised... she was perfect I don't why I haven't asked her out again sooner. "Yes that was what I was gonna ask. After school tomorrow at 6:00pm?", I asked. "Yup 6:00pm is perfect! Where are we going?", she asked desperately. "It's a secret.", I winked at her cheekily and she giggled and was flustered with my reply.

"Have you told anyone about us?", I asked curious. "Only my friends what about you?".

"No one", I replied, "but it's fine you told your friends they can be trusted right? I just wanted to keep it a secret for now, then we have a good relationship we can go official when we are comfortable", I confirmed with her. "Of course, I know what you mean.".

- Time Skip: after school -

Hyejin's POV:
I was walking through the hallway looking for my brothers I wasn't in their class last period so I didn't know where they were. After a while of looking through the school I knew the only other place they could be, and that was their hideout. I ran all the way up to the top floor of the school where it was mostly filled with old things, very little classes are taught here, I ran to the old janitor's closet, most of the old things at my school are kept Mr. Kim is a bit of a hoarder, and tried to open the door but it was locked. I knocked hard trying to get their attention to open the door, "Hellooooo? Jin?! Taehyung?! Open up!". The door slowly opened and standing their was a wide eyed Hoseok, "Hobi?!", I exclaimed concerned with his expression, "Hobi are you ok? You like as if you have seen a ghost! What is going on in their?".

He let me in saying nothing I looked straight to the floor and knew instantly what had caused Hoseok to look this way since now, I am sure I look the same too. I saw two bodies lying on the floor unconscious and Jimin, Jungkook, Yoongi, Jin, and V standing over them with angry expressions and cuts and bruises and blood on their arms and fists.

"W - what happened here?", I asked. No one said anything so I stepped closer to the bodies and wiped some blood off one of the faces I jumped back in surprise. I started to get heavier breathing, I was shaking and tears started building up in my eyes. I was having a panic attack.


Soo mi's POV:
We had PE last period, by 'we' I mean : Haeun, Seo Yeon, Wendy, Mina, Rosé, and I. They all left me alone in the changing rooms because I was the slowest they were already dressed back into their clothes and were probably on there way home by now. I had just finished getting dressed and was about to leave the sports building when I heard noises in the PE hall. No other teachers were there I was all by myself so who else could be there?

"W - who i - is t - there? H - hello?", I asked and cautiously walking into the PE hall. I was now through the door standing on one spot looking around for anyone. No one was there. I shrugged it off 'it could just been the wind', I thought.

I turned on my heels to leave when I saw someone standing right in front of my face. The face was familiar, too familiar ... "JIN SOO! Are you ok? Why are you here?", I asked. Last time I saw him was when he got shot and Jin drove him to the hospital. He looked at me blankly. POW! All I saw was black...

To be continued ...

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't worry the storyline will get brighter soon.

Happy 21st birthday Minnie (from (G)I-DLE) it was today by the way:

Happy 20th birthday (belated by 3 days) to Rena from Pristin (Sub - unit ~ PristinV):

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Happy 20th birthday (belated by 3 days) to Rena from Pristin (Sub - unit ~ PristinV):

Happy belated Twice day (by 1 day) for debuting for 3 years now so proud of you guys:

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Happy belated Twice day (by 1 day) for debuting for 3 years now so proud of you guys:

I hope you liked the edits my social media accounts are in my bio so go check out my insta so you can see them

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I hope you liked the edits my social media accounts are in my bio so go check out my insta so you can see them.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes and I love you guys by! 💖

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