3. Her Feelings

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Recap: Vaibhav marrying Vaigha - Vaigha staying at his uncle's place.

Vaigha's PoV
I took a quick shower and wore the saree Nandini aunty have given me. I saw a glass of milk placed at the centre of the table. I was feeling tired and dizzy. I hold the edge of bed and sat there with an absent mind.

"Vaigha.. take that milk and drink it. You need to be strong.."Nandini aunty said standing at the door.
I looked at her helpless.
"Aunty..I..him."I dont know what I was supposed to talk.

"Listen me Vaigha..first of all drink it..you have to face a lot in coming days. May be god has decided everything to make you both united. You need to be strong. Because he needs you with his side to overcome all hurdles. One thing I promise.. whatever you are going to face, he will be with you..now drink this.."she said giving me the glass of milk.

I drank the milk and handed over the glass back to her.
"Now sleep well.. Everything will be alright..let's talk it tomorrow.. Good night.." she said and I gave her a faint smile.
She left after switching off all the lights except a night bulb. I laid on the bed lifeless. Sleep was far away from me. It's my wedding night and I don't know the condition of my husband now. I tried to close my eyes. But the thoughts were disturbing me.

Why did he marry me? He could have leave like all others. Can he love me one day? What about his family? Will they accept me? I only have limited knowledge about him and his family. But from the things I heard, it's sure coming days will be tough for me. He didn't even talk with me. He might be hating me. My fate has dragged him to this scenario. But no one forced him. He is the one who came forward agreeing to marry me. And why he is behaving like this now? He could have talk with me. Atleast one word...it was enough for me...do he know anything about me?

Vaibhav's PoV
Its been midnight and sleep didn't touch me. I was confused about the next step. What have I done today? I married. It's ok..The circumstances was like that. And I dont regret for doing that. But what made me to marry her before having a word with her? What if she is uninterested? She dont know anything about me and I dont Know anything about her. And I left her at uncle's place. Is it fair?? What I can only remember is her teary face when I was leaving. It was disturbing me a lot from the moment onwards I leave her. She might be sad. Her husband left her alone at a totally strange place at the night of their wedding. But what else I could have do that time? I hope she won't misunderstand me.

I was walking here and there in my room. A battle was going on in my mind. I must do something. Why to scare? I haven't done anything wrong. I did a good thing which my siblings can be proud of . They can surely understand me. If they can't, who else will understand me...I am sure..they will realize the reason behind my sudden marriage. They will accept it. So the first thing in the morning.. revealing the truth about my marriage infront of my brothers and sisters. I hope next morning will bring a relief to all my confusions.

At the end I fall on bed with a tired body. Slowly my eyes started closing.
Next morning
Vaibhav's siblings are on a very big discussion. They are here to finalize the girl whom their brother should marry.

"Bhai have done a lot for us..we should give him the best." Everyone looked in wonder at Arjun who is speaking so serious which is unfamiliar to them.

"I support Arjun this time..Bhai didn't even think about his life till now. He was always working for us..day and night..he deserves the best..And we are responsible to choose that best for him.."Amar said while typing something in laptop.

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