26. Sharing Her Worries

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Recap: Their Jealous Moments.

Vaibhav's PoV: At Night
After that incident she didn't talk with me. I tried my every way to talk with her. But she avoided me always. I know somewhat I deserve it. But it was just a joke. I wanted to see her jeolous face too. But who knew that she will take it serious?

It is now dinner time and everyone gathered around the big dining table. I requested uncle and aunty to stay here tonight along with Kishore. And they agreed.

"Vaibhu..Arjun... come sit..."Nandini aunty told us.

I looked into the kitchen. But she is seen nowhere. Must be hiding from me intentionally. Oh my wife...why are you so stubborn? I didn't know that you are so sensitive...or is it because of your love for me? I can understand your jeolousy.. because I also experienced it when you were dancing with my brother. But this is too much my dear wife.

"Bhai..why re you standing there? Take a seat..."It's Kishore who said seeing me still standing.

I hesitately took a seat. My eyes still inside the kitchen to get a glimpse of my beauty. After waiting for two more minutes, finally she came out with a bowl in her hands. I was waiting for her to serve me. But nothing like that happened. Instead she gave me a murderous glare before taking a seat opposite to me. I wanted to laugh seeing her serious face. But controlled thinking about the consequences.

Finally I served myself and slowly started eating. She didnt look at me throughout the dinner. She finished eating and went to kitchen to wash the utensils when I was busy looking at her without eating.
"Bhai..are you not eating?" Krithika asked me making me alert.
"Yes..I am..."I quickly finished my dinner and washed hands.
Before leaving the dining area, I looked into the kitchen and at the same time she looked at me. I gave her a flying kiss without anyone's notice. And she was beyond shocked. I couldn't stop laughing when she glared at me.

I ran to upstairs and took out my phone out. I typed a message to her.
"Mrs..I will wait for you at the terrace...Pls come here after everyone slept...lots of kisses from me..."
I sent the message and started waiting for her to see it.
After half an hour, I got her reply.
"Why should you wait for me? Call your Nandu and spend time with her.😠😠😠  Good night..."
I started laughing and typed the reply.
"That's not a bad idea... let me try NANDU..."I sent the message and now I am sure she will definitely come soon.

Within seconds I saw her running towards the terrace with an angry face.
I smiled and she just ignored me as expected.

"Baby...I love you..."I wrapped my arms around her waist and she moved away from my hold.
"Dont touch me...you are very bad.."she shouted.
"Seriously? Wht have I done?? It was just a joke....."I said moving towards her and she took a step back.
"Joke?? What did you talk with your soon to be wife?"she asked placing her arms in between us.
"And why did you dance with Kishore infront of me?"I asked holding her hands.
"It was just a dance.."she said.
"Like that..it was just a phone call.."I said.
"I didn't dance intentionally with him to make you angry...For that you hurted me with words first...but you didn't stop with that..you were doing all intentionally to make me hurt again and again...."she said and her eyes suddenly welled up.

I couldn't afford her tears. I took her into my arms and hugged her tightly.
"I am sorry....I won't do it again....Pls.."I said while she was sobbing.
"No..you will do it again and again...do you know how it feels when you are talking with your soon to be wife infront of me as if you are loving her?"she asked looking up.
"Hey pls dont use that word again.. I have only one wife..and that will be always you..."I cupped her face.
"Always??"she asked raising her eyebrows.
"Always and forever..."I said.

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