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Vaibhav stood like a culprit in the middle of his brothers and sisters. He feels like he is in a court room as an accused one. He saw Vaigha giggling seeing his helpless state. He couldn't tolerate her joining with his siblings to question him. He glared at her. She had a big smile seeing it.

"Tell bhai. Other than marriage did you ever propose to your wife?" Anjali asked him.

"Yes yes I did."he replied.
"No. He is lying. He didn't propose me. Poor me."Vaigha faked a pout leaning to Sanju's shoulder.
"She is lying. Didn't I propose you? Dont believe her."Vaibhav said loudly.

Vaigha felt funny and gave an expression which asked him when did you propose me? His brothers and sisters were on her side and believed her. He glared at her making her chuckle.

"Ok I will suggest a solution."Amar said.
"Here no one asked your solution. We will decide what to do."Arjun teased his brother.
"I prefer to hear Amar bhai's solution. He is Einstein. He can come up with feasible solution."Krithika said and Sanjana also raised her hand for support.

"Bhai didn't propose bhabhi. That's the issue here na? Let him give a chance to propose her now infront of us."Amar said gaining a clap.

"Wow. Thats cool. If it's good, we can utilize it in future. What abt that?"Arjun winked at Amar.

"Hello. I am not going to do that. That too infront of you all." Vaibhav said immediately.

"Why? Are you shy?"Anjali asked.
"Arey this is our private matter. If she have complaints regarding the matter I didn't propose her, then let us talk privately. If she wants I will propose her again, but not infront of you all."he said trying to hold Vaigha's hand. But she was pulled back by Sanju. Sanju was the most stubborn to see their proposal.

"Vaigha. Dont play with me."he warned.
"I am on my siblings' side in this matter." She said earning a clap from them with her most innocent face.

"Bhai, hear what she said. Now start your proposal."Amar said.
"If you want classes on how to propose, don't hesitate to ask me"Arjun said.

Others laughed.
"So I don't have any right on my wife. Isn't it? I can talk to her only if you guys allow. It hurts." He said faking a hurt expression.
"Hello bhai. Keep your tricks with you. We are not gonna fall for this." Krithika said.
"Already you messed all our plans on your dream marriage. Now if you want her, you have to earn her. Let's see how much our workaholic bhai improved in romance."Anjali demanded.

Finally Vaibhav understood that he can't escape from this task given by his siblings. Because he is alone and all others are on same group. He looked at Vaigha who is giving him a teasing look.

"Ok I am ready. Tell her to stand here."he said pointing to his front area.
"Bhabhi. Go."Anjali made her stand infront of him.

"Bhai..ready set go.."Arjun gave the warm up.
"Dont disturb me. Let me think."Vaibhav said seriously.

He kneel down infront of her. She had shining eyes.
"Vaigha...my life was flowing in the same direction without any changes for the past many years. Works, family, office...like that. It was you who made a change in my life. You are the best life partner I can ask for. You became a best friend and shared all my sorrows. You understood me even before I tell anything. You gave your shoulders for me to lean whenever I needed a support. You hugged me when I feel lonely. You gave me the courage and confidence to face any problem. It was your love that made me sticked with you, that made me alive. No one could understand me till now the way you understand my mind. If you were not with me, I wouldn't have win this battle of relationships. Sacrifice is easy. But it needs courage to bind everything together without any lose. As you said you didn't make me lose my family. Instead you made me complete with your love, care and patience." He said honestly.

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