6. Sorry Vaigha!!!

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Recap: Vaibhav coming to meet Vaigha - her story shocking him - their conversation...

It was a weekend and Vaibhav decided to spend the day with his brothers and sisters as per their wish. He was working in laptop. But his concentration were somewhere else..He was thinking about his wife...she became a part of his life without his knowledge..It became difficult for him and her to not see each other for a day. They were trying to understand each other...He tried his maximum to concentrate on his work. But it didn't work...so he decided to make a call to her.
He dialled uncle's number and the call was answered without any delay.
"Vaibhu.. didnt you go to office today?" SathyaPratap asked.
"No.. I thought to work from home today..after all it's a weekend.." Vaibhav replied.
"Seriously.. I can't believe this.. what's the relationship between Vaibhav's work and weekend??" His uncle laughed from other end.
"Uncle stop this..."he shouted.
"Ok ok..May I know what's the purpose of this call now?" SathyaPratap asked and now Vaibhav is confused. He felt awkward.
"Uncle..I ...I just.... called to check whether...you all are fine.."he said while cursing himself for the foolishness.
"Seriously...my Vaibhav is tensed about us more than his work ..wow...it's a breaking news...I should call all medias to inform this great news..."His uncle teased him.
"Bye uncle....will see you later.."he was about to end the call when his uncle stopped him.
"Wait..wait....check yourself whether your wife is fine..."His uncle said and he smiled hearing it.

"Vaigha....."he heard his uncle calling for her loudly. He blushed.

"Hello...."he heard her voice from other end after sometime. He couldn't speak..just stood there without replying.
"Hello...who is speaking??" He again heard her voice and a small smile appeared on his lips.
"Vaigha..."he spoke for first time and she recognized the voice immediately. She smiled and blushed.
"Vaigha..are you there?" He asked.
She nodded.
"Hello Mrs..I cant see your nodding and gestures through this phone..I think video call is better to speak with my wife..."he said and she realized her foolishness. She bit her lips.
"Sorry..."she said without knowing how will he react.
"Great.. finally you spoke.."he laughed.
She smiled.
"Tell me something Vaigha.."he said and wait for her reply.
"What should I tell?" She asked confusingly.
"So you don't have anything to speak with your husband..ok I am ending the call then.." he said offended.
"No..Pls dont..Pls.."she shouted and he smiled.
"Then speak with me.."he said.
"Did you have your breakfast?" She asked.
"Yes..and you??" He asked.
"Hmm.."she said.
"Didn't you go office today?" She asked.
"I was about to go..but those monkeys stopped me..."he said and she laughed understanding his words.
"Where are they?" She asked.
"Arjun and Krithika are playing video games..wanna hear them na?" He asked while walking towards the hall.
"No no.."she replied.

"Arjun...reduce the volume and don't fight..."Vaibhav said loudly looking at his brother and sister who are infront of the TV playing game.
"Bhai..today I will beat this rowdy... today is Arjun's day..you will be proud of your brother at the end of this game..." Arjun shouted turning backwards and Vaigha heard his voice. She smiled.
"Bhai.. don't worry..your rowdy sis wont play fouls like your monkey bro..you will be proud of me when I win the game..."Krithika said and he heard Vaigha's laugh from the other end. He laughed along with her.

"How are they?"he asked moving away from them.
"Nice brother and sister.."she commented.
"My Einstein bro is infront of lap from early morning.."Vaibhav said moving towards Amar's room.
"He is trying to become another Vaibhav.."she said and he chuckled.

"Bhai..I have calculated our company's turn over for this year and made a comparison on the growth...come..let's discuss..I have some new plans for this year..."Amar said and Vaibhav smacked his head.
"Go and enjoy for sometime..."Vaibhav said.
"Who is saying this??" Amar was wondered.
"He is right..."Vaigha said making him smile.
"So you are already on their side..very bad..I will have a tough time in future..." Vaibhav said moving away from Amar and Vaigha bit her lips.

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