7. We are not meant for each other

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Recap: Sanjana broken - Vaibhav's worry!!!

Vaibhav's PoV
Four days passed after that incident. I took leave from all my works and took care of Sanju these days.. She was happy as I agreed for marriage. I don't know where life is taking me...I didnt go to meet Vaigha these days. She called once to know about Sanju's condition and we didn't talk anything other than that. Guilt was killing me from every side..I wont forgive myself for the avoidance I am showing to my wife..On the other hand I can't make Sanju sad. She already suffered a lot and one more shock is enough to break her completely. I can't see my sister in a mental asylum...It's better to die than witnessing that day. If I am continuing like this, I am sure I will be mental soon...

Vaigha's PoV
Four days was like four years. What have I done to suffer this much? I won't blame him...it's fate..I can understand what he must be going through... when I called him that day, he was worried for his sister..I clearly understood his state..I wanted to console him...but no one knows our relationship and how can I console him when he is not coming here...But I can't continue like this anymore..I need to speak with him..I wanna know whether he is alright..its my duty as a wife to be with my husband when he is going through a bad phase..I should do it.

I quickly changed my dress and took my purse. I went downstairs and saw uncle and aunty sitting on sofa. I greeted them.

"Where are you going Vaigha?" Aunty asked me.
"I want to meet Vaibhav.."I said and they were shocked.
"Why?" Uncle stood up.
"Dont worry uncle..I am not going to trouble him..I just want to know whether he is ok.."I said.
"Vaigha...I already said he is ok.."uncle said.
"I know uncle and I believe you...But I just want to see him...he is my husband and I hope I have that right on him..."I said

"But how would you meet him? He is at home..you can't go there..."Aunty said and I thought for a minute.
"Uncle you can help me..I dont want to trouble him more by going to his house...pls ask him to come to the office for once..you can do that by telling some lie..Pls uncle..I won't ask you anything more..I know I am the reason for everything....I dont want to increase problems by going to his home."I requested.

"Ok I will call him..but you should swear me..you won't hurt him...he is already broken and he can't handle anything more Vaigha..." Uncle said and I understood his concern for him. How can I make him realize that I am more broken than him. The guilt that I indirectly became a reason for his worry made me break.

"I am going to not hurt him..but to heal him...to make him recover from all his sorrows....I know how much he is loving his sisters and brothers...I hope everything will be solved today." I said.

They both looked at each other in confusion..But I don't have any confusion now. I determined.
Vaibhav's PoV
I was waiting at my office since uncle asked me to come to discuss an important matter..I can't understand why he can't come to home and discuss the so called very important matter....I don't want to leave Sanju for any reason now...My presence and promises helped her a lot to come back to normal life after that incident.. Doctor strictly adviced me to stay with her these days.

"May I come in?" I heard a familiar voice from outside.
"Yes.."I said and the door opened to reveal her face..I was shocked.
"Vaigha..."I stood up from my chair.

She stopped there and looked at my face. We both stood there without moving from the place for sometime. Then she averted her eyes and walked towards me. I lowered my face without knowing what to say...

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