38. Vaigha's Sacrifice

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Recap: Vaigha is Pregnant - Calling Vaibhav to meet - Arun kidnaps Sanju - Asking Vaigha - Siblings knowing about Vaigha's family.

Vaigha's PoV
Where is he? It's been one hour I am waiting here. Why he is taking so much time? Didn't he tell me to be here within minutes? Is he in any problem?

My mind filled with so many bad thoughts. Anything bad happened to him? I let out that thoughts from my mind. Still I am not getting peace. I am excited to share the news about our baby to him. But he is not coming. Did his siblings block him? No. He will come. But again the bad possibilities occupied my brain. Any accident??

I placed my hand on my belly.
"Baby, I am getting scared. Where is your pappa?"

I can't wait anymore. I should have call him earlier itself. I dialled his mobile number. But there was no ringing. Instead I got a message that he is out of coverage. What happened to him suddenly? He was very happy when I called him and asked to meet. God, pls save my baby's father.

After debating with my mind for another half an hour, I gained the courage to call his land phone number. I can guess what would happen if his sister or brother attends the call. But I need to assure that he is very much safe. I can't tense more. Already my knees are betraying me thinking about anything happens to him.

I dialled our land phone number and I heard an hello from the other end. I immediately identified Krithika's voice. It felt like she was waiting for someone's call.

"Krithika.."I called happily. After three weeks I am hearing her voice. Did they forget me?
"Why did you call?" I heard her shout immediately. Nothing more than what I expected.

"Krithika..why do you have to hate me this much? I didnt betray you with my love. Whatever I did for you all, it was genuine. When would my brothers and sisters stop hating me?" I started crying. It's hurts us a lot when people whom we love most hates us for no reason.

"Even if we try to stop hating you, you won't allow us. Always you give new and new reasons for hating you. What have we done to you to punish us like this? Because of you we lost all our happiness and peace. We lost our bhai. All thanks to you."she said breaking my heart.

Do I deserve all this? I loved them and I know its true love. I didn't think about cheating them even in my dreams too. Why are they treating me like this? I waited thinking that they will understand their brother one day even if not me. But they won't.

"We hate you. We loved that Anuradha who didn't have any family. But knowing more about you we can't love this Vaigha. You shattered our family. Why did you come to our life?"
She was continuing her scolds and I lost all my control.

"Stop this Krithika. You don't have right to say all this about me only because I am keeping silence. I can't hurt you with words like you are doing. But don't think that I have no voice. My love for you was true and sometimes it becomes my weakness so that I can't speak against you. Remember one thing before talking all this rubbishness. I am your brother's wife and if you are respecting your bhai, you wouldn't have talk like this to me. I had a guilt for hiding truths from you all, but now I am sure you guys don't deserve your bhai. He is thinking about you always and what you all are doing to him? Can you ever imagine what would be his condition if he hears all this?" I backfired.

"Do you think that I will fall for your new tricks? I am not Sanjana to trust you easily. She is a poor soul thats why she loved you this much. And you punished her enough for her stupidity."she said and tears welled up my eyes.

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