39. The Rescue

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Recap: Vaigha knowing about Sanjana - she is trapped - Vaibhav & brothers saving Sanju - Knowing about Vaigha's pregnancy- deciding to save her.

Vaigha's PoV
After a long sleep I opened my eyes with difficulty. I don't know what they made me smell. I still feel nauseous. I hope Sanjana will be fine. But I couldn't save her. Guilt made me weak. I tried to move. But my hands and legs are tied. I cursed myself for believing Arun.

I looked around and my eyes fell on the man who is standing infront of me. I was shocked. He is standing with the same smile I used to see from the time when I met him for the first time.

"Kishore...."I shouted with my complete energy.
"Dont shout baby. I am your Kishore. Don't scare. I won't hurt you. How can I hurt you?" He sat infront of me on his knees.

"How could you do this Kishore? I treated you like a brother and see what you are doing in return."I cried thinking about my fate.

"Arey shut. This is the problem between us. I am not your brother. And you are not my sister too. I love you Vaigha. When would you realize it? "he said making me irritate.

"First of all tell me, how did I come here? What's your connection with Arun?" I was angry.
"No connection. If you hate him, that means he is my enemy too. But he wanted your wealth. I wants you too. So just we exchanged what we got."he said. I glared at him.

"See Vaigha. I don't want anything except you. Only you. I won't leave you like your husband did. Can't you see my love for you? I can even leave anything for you. Even my parents too. " He said and I laughed.

"Is this love? If you can leave your parents and anyone who loves you for me, it will be easy for you to leave me too on some other day for another girl. How can I believe you Kishore?"I asked and his face changed. I know he is getting angry. But the way he is making him calm made me surprise.

"How dare you did this Kishore? How can you call this as love? This is madness. Not love."I declared.

"Vaigha. Why are you believing that Vaibhav this much? He couldn't even stand for you when comes to his siblings. He just allowed you to go away. Then why are you loving him? Be mine. I will treat you like a queen. We can live far away from them. We don't need his interference in our life anymore. Let him be happy with his brothers and sisters. We can live our life"he said.
Is he really mad? I am fed up.

"Listen Kishore. I can leave Vaibhav for his happiness, can stay away from him. But don't think that there will be another man in my life except him."

He looked at me angrily and then hided it with a smile.
"Please believe me Vaigha. He is not loving you like I am doing. He can't love you like I does."he said and I clenched my fist.

I tried to free my hand and then realized that it's tied up.
"If you really loving me, then why are you hurting me. Why are you torturing me? Ahhh..My hands.."I screamed in pain.

"Vaigha. Sorry."he immediately freed my hands.
Without any delay, I slapped his cheek twice.
"Dont speak anything about my husband. Feed this in your brain. I love Vaibhav and I am his girl. You are only my husband's brother. I can't live away from him. You can't be Vaibhav and no one can replace him in my life. I am only his."I said angrily.

"Vaibhav Vaibhav Vaibhav...why everyone whom I loves give priority for him? What makes him great over me? Why he is snatching everything from me? Everyone needs him only. Not me." He shouted and I saw tears flowing uncontrollably from his eyes. That was entirely a different Kishore. I was confused.

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