21. An Angry Vaibhav

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Recap: Kishore's doubts - Vaigha's revealation- Shocked Vaibhav.

Vaibhav's PoV
What did she just say? Did she ask her groom to not come? Is it?? How could she??? And what was all that crap on the mandap? And why didn't she tell me this earlier?

"Vaigha...stop your jokes..I know you are trying to..."I was interrupted by her.
"No Vaibhav..I am saying the truth.."she said making me once again shocked.

I was confused and worried.
"Why? Why did you ask him to not come?" I asked little angrily.

She moved a step back realizing the anger in my voice. She didnt reply and kept quiet looking at the floor. That made me more angry.

"Come on.. I want an answer. Tell me.."I took a step closer to her and pinned her to the wall. I hold her hand and she screamed. Only then I realized that it hurted her. I immediately left her hand.

She was really scared this time. And that made me realize what I was doing. Her face was red indicating that she will cry anytime soon. I didn't want her to cry because of me. So I thought to not question her anymore.
I turned back to leave when she hold my wrist. She came infront of me with a begging face.

"Vaibhav pls..I will tell you..You deserves to know."she said and I laughed sarcastically.

"Seriously? I deserves to know. It's been two months our marriage happened. And you didn't think of sharing it with me till now. And you are saying that I deserve."I said.

Her face fell down and she started crying. I couldn't see it. So I just walked away from her. I know what I was doing is wrong. I also wanted to console her in my arms. But now I can't. I want some time to accept what I heard.
Vaigha's PoV
I fall on the floor seeing him walking away. I know it's all my mistake that I didn't share it with him. It's such a big mistake. Only because of it, he had to marry me. He had to take me to his home. He had to worry his brothers and sisters. All because of me.

I cried hugging my knees. What if he didn't forgive me? No..it can't happen. I thought to give him some time till he becomes ok. After that I can tell him what happened exactly. He will definitely accept me back..or wouldn't he?
Next Day Morning
Vaibhav was reading the newspaper. Vaigha saw it and thought it as a chance to talk with him. She immediately went to the kitchen and prepared a tea for him. She smiled and came near Vaibhav who was reading the newspaper completely avoiding her. 

"Vaibhav..your tea...."she said.
"Did I ask you to bring tea for me?"he asked without even looking at her.
She felt sad.
"Vaibhav...Pls listen to me first. Don't you want to know what actually happened?"she asked trying to control her tears.
"No ...I dont want..."he said showing an angry face.

"Ok fine...why are you showing your anger on this tea? Have this atleast." She said giving the tea to him.
"I don't want tea now.."it was little louder he said.

"Didn't you want a tea now? Thank God...I was craving to have a tea and now I got it."It was Kishore who was coming from upstairs and he snatched the tea cup from Vaigha.

Vaibhav and Vaigha looked at each other. A bit of disappointment on Vaigha's face. She hided it and smiled at Kishore. Kishore took a seat opposite to Vaibhav and took a sip from the cup. He then looked at Vaigha in amazement.

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