30. The Mother in Her

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Recap: Nandana insulting Vaigha - Sanjana becoming violent - Vaigha slapping Nandana - Nandana had to apologize.

Vaibhav's PoV
I called doctor and told him about Sanjana's strange behavior today. He was also surprised just like us. This is the first time she is behaving rude to someone or showing her anger. We had only seen a sweet side of our baby doll...Even if she gets angry she used to only cry instead of reacting. And the way she stood up for Vaigha today made us all shock and wonder. But the news from doctor made me relieve.

"May be she is coming back to a normal life. She have started the problems when she lost her parents...As you told me earlier, she was very much attached with her mom. Today she reacted for the first time..that too not for her...not for any of her family members.. instead for someone from outside...that someone must be special for her...she might be seeing her long lost mom in Anuradha. That created the difference..I strongly believe she can be back to a normal life with love and care of Anuradha. Instead of fainting down as usual, she stood up for her special one today. That's an evidence that she is gradually recovering from all the shocks from her life" Doctor told me.

I dont know how to express my happiness after hearing doctor's words. Something I didn't expect. When my sister reacted for my wife, I felt proud and happy. When Vaigha saved Sanju from the slap and gave it back to the person who tried to hurt her, I again felt happy a 1000 times more. And now this happiness... this cannot be expressed with words. My sister is getting back to a normal life. And that too with a motherly love from my wife. I can't ask for more from God.

Why can't I shout out to the entire world that she is my wife? No no. Only one day remaining now..I can tell it on our parents wedding anniversary day...I am sure my parents will be happy when I announce my marriage on their special day. I am waiting for it. And thanks Nandana for today's drama.
Vaigha's PoV
I made Sanjana lay on bed. But she was not leaving me. I became worried. I remembered how Vaibhav told me about her illness. And he mentioned that others don't know about her condition. Why cant we call a doctor? No.. it will make everyone tense and they will know the truth of her.

Suddenly I felt warmth on my palm and saw her kissing me. She smiled at me and gestured that she is ok. I felt relaxed after seeing her normal. Thank God...she seems to be ok. I covered her with the blanket and kissed her forehead.

Turning back I saw Anjali, Krithika and the twins standing there looking at her. I know that they all are worried for her. I stood up slowly leaving Sanju's hand and went towards them.

"Baby doll's army worrying for her??" I asked in a funny tone.
They smiled slightly.
"See..She is perfectly ok..let her rest for a while...and she will be back with her cute smile." I said them.

"We are really sorry Anu di..." Krithika said making me surprise. Krithika saying sorry...!!!
"For what?" I asked confusingly.
"You have faced a lot of humiliation today..All because of that Nandana..."It was Arjun who replied.

"Don't say like this about her. After all she is going to be your bhabhi.."I asked intentionally to know their reaction.
Disappointing me, they didn't reply. Instead stood quietly looking at floor.

"It's ok.. Leave all that...it was nothing for me...And you all stood up for me... Eventhough I am not anyone to you.. Thats enough..."I said.
"You are our Anuradha...Dont say that you are not anyone to us...pls..." Amar said.
His words made me smile.

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