4. A Husband's Promise

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Recap: Vaibhav leaving for Banglore - Shattered Vaigha.

Vaigha's PoV
It's been three days he has left. He didn't call me or contact me through anyway. Whenever I ask uncle, he repeated his usual lines of his business meeting. And Aunty keeping silence for all my questions. What I should understand from this all? He dont want me. He might be regretting for his decision of marrying me. And he found a simple way to escape from me. Why? Did I ask you to marry me? Did I ask you to accept me? Why are you doing this to me Mr.Vaibhav Devansh?? You should have ask me to leave. I will do it happily. I had no dreams of a marriage and it won't affect me. Moreover we have no relationship other than tied a knot.

I touched the wedding chain he tied on my neck. It was hard to keep the tears away from me. He saved me during the crucial stage of my life. Now it's my turn to save him from this unwanted marriage. You gave me the title of Mrs. Vaibhav for three days. That's enough!!! And I will be always thankful to you for that...And bye!!!

I decided it..now no one can stop me. Sorry Uncle and Aunty..
Vaibhav's PoV
It's midnight and I was driving to uncle's home madly. I know whatever I have done is a big blunder which no one can forgive me. I shouldn't have leave that day. It was just for keeping my mind calm, I decided to stay a night at Banglore where my farm house is there. Within one night I understood my decision was wrong. It was not a good decision. Its me who married her without anyone forcing me. It was me who decided to give her a life...to make her my life partner whom I decided to share all my happiness and sorrows with..and what I did on the next day after marriage..I simply left her without understanding her feelings.. without giving her a chance to share my problems...I am an idiot..

I should meet her asap..and I know uncle and aunty maa will be also angry with me for not attending the calls...I hope they can understand me. And wht I am gonna say to her..I dont know how to convince her. No excuses can justify the mistake I did to her..I just gave values to my feelings without considering what she will think about me..it's such a big blunder..

I heard my phone ringing and without looking at the screen, I attended the call.

"Where the hell are you Vaibhav?? You moron...Idiot...why did you attend the call now??" I heard uncle's shout from the other end.

"Uncle..I am coming...I am on the way" I managed to say.
"Come fast..I am gonna kill you...rascal..do you Know what have you done? From when onwards you became such a coward .."he continues to scold me and I am just listening without saying anything.

"Uncle..I know..I am sorry..I will talk to her after coming there..." I said.
"No need..she left like you did..." He said and I was shocked.
"What??????" I applied break making the car to stop with a high noise.
"She is missing from last few hours Vaibhav..we don't know what to do..do something fast.." Aunty spoke this time and I felt my all body parts becoming weak.

I cut the call and rested my head on the seat. I don't have any idea about next step. My decision had bring a very worst result. Why did she leave?? Oh god..where I will search for her?? It was my responsibility to keep her safe with me and I didn't.. I forgot all vows I have taken along with her. What if something happen to her?? No...I won't let her happen anything...I should find her..I will...

I decided and started the car. I searched her everywhere...I enquired at the orphanage where she was staying...but they didn't know anything about her. I went to railway station,bus stop and wherever I can search for her. But no results...I was losing hope with passing time and I was scared..Why did you punish yourself for my mistake??

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