Bonus Chapter 2

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Got obsessed with characters of my completed story. So here updating another bonus chapter.

Vaigha poured the milk into the bottle and came to the hall taking it. She saw Riyansh playing with his uncles; Amar and Arjun. Anjali and Krithika are trying to make him laugh. Sanju is busy drawing the pic of little Riyansh.

"Bbbghhhsss" Riyansh made cute baby voices when they tickled him on his stomach and started laughing.

"Now come to aunty. I will teach you karate and kungfu"Krithika took him into her arms despite of the boys' protest.
"Rowdy aunty go back"Arjun shouted.

"Hello, it's already night. Dont Riyan want to have his milk and go to sleep?"Vaigha said coming towards them.

"Give it bhabhi. We will feed him."Anjali took the milk bottle from her. She smiled.

"Sanju, when will you finish his pic? Can't wait to see it."She asked caressing Sanju's head.
"Tomorrow."Sanju gestured.
"Is anything special tomorrow?"Vaigha asked and Sanju bit her lips.
The other siblings glared at her. She immediately turned her face away as if nothing happened.

"By the way where is your bhai?"Vaigha asked suddenly remembering about her husband.
"Went to terrace."Arjun said while raising the kid in air when he refused to have his meals.

She climbed the staircase and went to the terrace. She saw Vaibhav sitting under the moon light leaning back to the wall. She smiled.

"Shall I join my husband in enjoying this beautiful night?" She said forwarding her hand to him.
"Only if you can help me to enjoy."he kissed her hand and made her sit beside him. She leaned on his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Why are you sitting here alone?"she asked playing with his fingers.
"I wanted to be alone for some time. That's all."he replied.
"Anything bothering you?"she asked raising her eyebrows.
He shook his head.
"Why did you ask?"he looked at her.

"Because usually you like to spend time with your family and son whenever you are at home. But now I felt surprised seeing you alone here. Thats why."

"I wants to spend time with my wife too."he embraced her into his arms and kissed her forehead.
"Vaigha, do you remember? This terrace is very very special for us. It's the place where I confessed my feelings for you"
He said and she blushed.
"And we used to spend our moments here hiding from all others."he added.
She smiled.

"This place is a magic."he stretched his arms to the sky.
"Whenever I feels confused about certain things in life, I come here and then I will get a solution from nowhere."he smiled.

"What's your confusion now? Not only this terrace, your wife is also a magic. She can also help you" she pouted and he laughed.

"Mrs, can you come with me tomorrow to a place?"he asked.
"Where?"she asked doubtful.
"Dont you trust me?"he pulled her closer towards him.
"I trust you. I will come with you wherever it is."
He hugged her.
"Thank you baby."

Suddenly they heard their baby crying from downstairs.
"Riyan..."she was about to get up when he held her wrist and pulled her back to him.
"Vaibhav, what are you doing? Leave me. Riyan is crying."

"Baby have everyone to look after him. His uncles, aunts, mamma, everyone. But baby's father have no one. Even his own wife."he said pouting and she couldn't stop smiling.

Riyansh's cry has stopped.
"See didn't I tell you? He stopped crying. Now don't leave me."he winked at her.

"Sometimes I wonder who is the real baby here? Riyansh or his baby like pappa."she kissed his forehead.
"What? Do you have doubt? Let me help you to clear it."he cupped her face leaning closer to her.
"No...."before she could protest he smashed his lips on her and she couldn't do anything except smiling in between the kiss.

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