17. Finally Feelings Out

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Just realized that there are two Nandini in our story.. Nandini Aunty and Vaibhav's fiancee(😂😂now u can happily kill me.. just kidding) To make it easier I am changing the new entry name to Nandana. Hope u all are ok with it. And ofcourse thank you all for the wonderful response..I was literally laughing on floor while scrolling down through the comments😇😇 Already made a list who wants to kill Nandana and Kishore😂😂

Recap: Vaibhav birthday celebration - his siblings gifts - the surprise entry - heart broken Vaigha and Vaibhav.

Vaibhav's PoV
My sisters asked me to talk with Nandana for sometime. Not only she...her parents were also there. They all are really annoying. And when we were allowed time to talk, she kept on blabbering about everything under earth. I wasn't listening and she didn't realize it. My mind was filled with thoughts of my one and only love. My wife...when I finally realized my feelings for her, fate had to bring this girl now itself. Oh this girl is getting on my nerves... Till now I didn't even spoke for once and I am not interested also...but she is continuing her speech about herself. Let her be..and I don't care.

I thought about my Vaigha...poor girl..she might be crying..I travelled my eyes to every corner and she was found nowhere. I felt sad and guilty. How badly I wanted to take her in my arms and announce infront of everyone that she is my wife and I won't marry anyone else..but unfortunately I couldn't..Why my hands are chained with relationship from every side? Vaigha.. don't worry..I will be always yours..and I will make sure of throwing this Nandana out of my life.. It's my birthday and this annoying girl is one of the gift from my siblings..I can't hurt them atleast in this occasion...and on the other hand Sanjana is too happy...How can I hurt her?

I again looked at the girl's face who didn't even complete her praising speech about herself. When she was too busy in making expressions, I slowly escaped from there...oh god..she didn't even know that yet. I made my way towards uncle and aunty. They were also confused like me.

"Where is my wife?"I asked them and they were really shocked.
"She is there..."aunty said pointing to a direction.

Without giving any explanation I went to Vaigha who was secretly sobbing. I was about to hold her when another hand hold me. I turned back to see Anjali.
"Bhai... Come let's have the dinner.."she said.
Vaigha immediately turned after wiping her tears.
"And Anuradha..you too..it's time for our guests to know your taste..."she said and moved dragging Vaigha along with her.

We sat for dinner. Oh god..why this annoying girl took seat next to me? And her parents seems to already took me granted. I frowned. I saw Vaigha silently serving dinner for all. Just a few hours ago she was very happy...and now she is crying inside. I wanted to throw the plates away from her and announce that she is not a servant. Why she is serving all? And ofcourse..she served everyone except me. Is she angry or offended? Even if she is no one can blame her.. poor Girl.. she sat along with us and silently had the dinner. I noticed that she didn't eat actually.. just showing us that she is eating.. she didn't even look at my face. The hurt was clearly visible on her face and that kills me each moment.

"Is this the girl who lost her memory?" Nandana's father asked me.
Shut...why he is asking this all? What he wants?
"Yes...uncle.."Anjali replied.
"It's better to inform police and ask them to take her with them..they will shift her to a safe place..why are we taking risk?"her father said.
Damn it..what kind of man he is? He didn't even remember that she is still here with us and very much hearing all.

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