15. Morning Romance

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Recap: The Shopping - His first gift for her.

Next Morning: Vaibhav's PoV
I woke up from sleep hearing alarm sound. I got out from bed and looked at my watch only to be shocked.

Oh god..It's 8 am..where did everyone go? Wait...why didn't Anjali wake me up early?

I quickly opened the door and went out to the hall. I didn't see anyone there which made me confused.
Didn't anyone wake up? I went to the kitchen and didn't find Anjali too.

Why this girls are sleeping too much today? I climbed the stair case and slowly opened their room. I was surprised seeing the sight there.

Vaigha is laying at the middle. Sanjana and Anjali sleeping at her left side hugging her. Krithika on right side sleeping with her both hands around Vaigha. When did she shift to my sister's room? I smiled seeing them.

Thank God..are you making everything easy for me? I laughed on the thought. I saw the anklets on Vaigha's foot which was outside the blanket. Yesterday's moments flashed on my mind and my heart started dancing in happiness.

Should I call them??I doubted. Finally I decided to not disturb them and slowly walked back after closing the door.
Vaigha's PoV
I came out of bathroom and saw them still on bed. I smiled remembering how they begged me to sleep with them. I didn't want to wake them up. I caressed Sanju's forehead and covered them with the blanket. I walked outside and saw Vaibhav's room door opened. That means did he wake up already? I looked at the clock and then only realized it's too late. I checked his room and found no one there. I climbed down the stairs and saw him reading newspaper on the sofa.

"Good morning."I said sitting beside him.
"Good morning."he wished me.
"When did you wake up? I am sorry..we slept too much... don't worry I will prepare the breakfast soon."I was about to stood up when he hold my wrist.
"I came there a few minutes ago...I thought to not disturb you...Btw why did you sleep with them?" He asked in wonder.
"Your sisters asked me..I am sorry..I didn't ask your permission"I said
"Someone told me that saying sorry to your wife is a crime..Who was that?" He said pretending to be thinking and I smiled seeing his expression.

"Whoever it is..I am just rephrasing it. Saying sorry to your husband is also a big crime...."he said cutely and I laughed.
"Do you Know how much happy I was seeing you with my sisters? I am sure now.. Everything is going right on our path. Soon I can explode the bomb infront of them and it is not gonna affect them like I earlier thought."he said assuring me.

"I dont know Vaibhav...I am still not sure...I don't want to hurt them.. especially after creating such a bond with them.. they are so pure in their love.. How can I hurt them?"I asked confused.

"Dont say it Vaigha...see they will be happy when they know the truth.. Till that continue this drama..I know they will soon start loving Anuradha..I am sure you can convince them.."he said.

"But will they forgive us for this memory loss drama?"I asked.
"If our goal is right, then choosing a wrong path favours sometimes. It's not a mistake..I hope so."he said.

"What about Sanjana? She is an innocent heart..she is loving me more and more each moment... Literally she didn't let go of my hand after I entered here. How can we?"I said but he cut me off.

"Vaigha..Pls don't spoil my mood..do you Know how beautiful morning it is for me today? And I don't want to hear anything that makes me down. Atleast for now."he said.

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